1 +2 Dex, LLV, immunity to sleep, Skill Bonus +1 5 +2 Wis, Elven Accuracy(Ex) +1 attack, Skill Bonus +2 10 +2 Dex, Elven Accuracy(Ex) +2 damage, Skill Bonus +3 15 +2 Wis, Elven Accuracy(Ex) +5 damage, Skill Bonus +4 20 +2 Dex, Elven Accuracy(Ex) ignore range penalties, Skill Bonus +5
Race Features
Favoured Classes: Ranger and Scout.
Skills Bonus(Ex): Awareness, Investigate, Perform and Nature receives indicated racial bonus.
Elven Accuracy(Ex): You gain indicated bonus on Dex-based melee attacks and ranged projectile attacks.
Race Variants
Highborn Elf
1 +2 Dex, Class Skills, Skill Bonus +1 5 +2 Cha, Elven Sorcery(Ex) +1 on Dispel, Skill Bonus +2 10 +2 Dex, Elven Sorcery(Ex) +2 Spell Penetration, Skill Bonus +3 15 +2 Cha, Elven Sorcery(Ex) +4 Spell Penetration, Skill Bonus +4 20 +2 Dex, Elven Sorcery(Ex) +2 on Dispel, Skill Bonus +5
Favoured Classes: Sorcerer and Favoured Soul.
Skill Bonus: Awareness, Investigate, Perform and Knowledge skill of your choice.
Elven Sorcery(Ex): You gain indicated bonuses on your Sorcerer and Elven Deity divine spellcasting.
Class Variants
Elven Ranger
Looses: Must take either Humanoids or Undead on first level. Favoured Enemy at level 10.
1. Elf Favoured Enemy(Ex): Favoured Enemy bonuses against Orcs and undeads are multiplied by 1.5.
10. Strongheart Slayer(Ex): +4 morale bonus on saves against Death effects and negative energy effects.
Elven Sorcerer
Looses: deliver touch spells and speak with its own kind familiar abilities, Feat lvl5. Must be Arcane Sorcerer.
3. Natural Link(Ex): Your familiar bonuses are doubled while your familiar is within arms reach. If he is within mile you receive standard bonus.
5. Bonus feat: Any feat that benefits archery.
Elf Paragon
Elf Paragons are those elves who are closest relatives of Elven King or Queen (and thus are close relatives to race ancestors as well). Only a Highborn Elf may be an Elf Paragon, and whether a Highborn Elf may progress as paragon and how many Paragon levels he can take is subject to DMs judgement.
Class Features
HP 10, BAB 3/4, Def 1/2, Sv R, SP 2+
1 Elfsight(Ex): +2 on Awareness, LLV is triple range, not double. Elven Knowledge(Ex): +2 on Knowledges. 2 Weapon Focus feat: Bows or Light Blades. +1 spellcaster level of Sorcerer or Favoured Soul. 3 Ability Boost(Ex): +2 Cha. +1 spellcaster level of Sorcerer or Favoured Soul.