Lvl Class Feature Spells Known Spells Per Day 1 Hexblade's Curse(Su) -2 - - 2 Arcane Resistance(Su), Familiar - - 3 Mettle(Ex), Bonus feat - - 4 Spellcasting, Hexblade Spell(Ex) 2/day -/2* -/0 5 Hexblade's Curse(Su) -3 -/2 -/1 6 Aura of Unluck(Su) 20% -/3 -/1 7 Bonus feat -/3/2* -/2/0 8 Hexblade Spell(Ex) 3/day -/4/2 -/2/1 9 Hexblade's Curse(Su) -4 -/4/3 -/2/1 10 Aura of Unluck(Su) 30% -/4/3/2* -/3/2/0 11 Bonus feat -/4/4/2 -/3/2/1 12 Hexblade Spell(Ex) 4/day -/4/4/3 -/3/2/1 13 Hexblade's Curse(Su) -5 -/4/4/3/2* -/3/3/2/0 14 Aura of Unluck(Su) 40% -/4/4/4/2 -/4/3/2/1 15 Bonus feat -/4/4/4/3 -/4/3/2/1 16 Hexblade Spell(Ex) 5/day -/4/4/4/3 -/4/3/3/2 17 Hexblade's Curse(Su) -6 -/5/4/4/4 -/4/4/3/2 18 Aura of Unluck(Su) 50% -/5/5/4/4 -/4/4/3/3 19 Bonus feat -/5/5/5/4 -/4/4/4/3 20 Hex Master(Su) -/5/5/5/5 -/4/4/4/4
Class Features
Hexblade's Curse(Su): AT=s, R=12, D=1h, target living creature receives -2 penalty on attack, damage, saves and checks. No save but affects only creatures with HD equal or less than Hex*2. This is considered a necromantic effect. 3+Cha no more than lvl /day.
Arcane Resistance(Ex): +Cha on saves vs arcane spells, no more than Hex.
Bonus Feat: Fighter bonus feat, Combat Casting Related feat, Spell Penetration, Familiar related feat, Hex feat.
Hexblade Spell(Ex): Can cast Hexblade spells with CT no more than S as s-action.
Aura of Unluck(Su): All attacks against Hexblade suffers indicated miss chance.
Hex Master(Su): .
Alternative Class Features
Dark Companion
2. Dark Companion: Enemy adjacent to your Dark Companion receive -2 AC and saves. R: Familiar.
Unique Feats
Hex Feats
All Hex feats have Prerequisite Hexblade's Curse, some of the feats adds new curses, others improve existing. CV = curse value.
Curse of Distraction: P: 1 Hex feat. B: Target must make Concentration checks at 10+2.5*CV+SL*2 DC to cast a spell or manifest a power.
Curse of Failure: P: 1 Hex feat. B: Anyone flanking target receives CV bonus on his attack roll.
Curse of Ignorance: Target receives CV*2.5 penalty on two skills of your choice.
Curse of Paranoia: Target receives CV penalty one one saving throw of your choice.
Curse of Sloth: P: 1 Hex feat. B: Target has its movement reduced by CV.
Curse of the Softened Blade: P: 2 Hex feats. B: Target weapon receives CV penalty on it's damage rolls.
Curse of Stricken: P: 2 Hex feats. Target armour DR reduced by CV.
Empower Curse: Your Curse penalties are increased by 1 where appropriate.
Extend Curse: Your Curse lasts for 1 d instead of 1 h.
Extra Curse: +2 Curses per day.
Foe of Unlucky: Once per round may spend Hexblade's Curse to force opponent to re-roll critical hit confirmation against you.