From 8th Sea
And so it came to pass that the vile Alita Sidhe was spawned from the depths of Arcadia to rule over the 8th Sea wiki.
Name: Mara
Age: 20-30 (:
My Music:
Rpg part
My first system: Ars Magica (3edition)
== Characterhs == (on this wiki)
Characters (tba)
- Alita Sidhe - Ars Magica
- Lucrezia - 7th Sea
== Systems == (last 5)
- Ars Magica (story of my rpg-playing begins from Ars Magica 3d redaction)
- 7th Sea (R&K)
- GURPS (4ed)
- Warhammmer: Dark Heresy
- D&D
Long-long time ago in a galaxy far-far away
- Warhhamer Fantasy Battles Rpg (2 ed only)
- Star Wars (Saga edition)
- Unhallowed Metropolis (only as GM)
- Victoriana
- RuneQuest - Vikings!
- Riddle of Steel
- old and new World of Darkness
- oh, my God - it seems that i must include "Эра Водолея" in this list. What a shame!
- AD&D
- and some else ;)