Lvl Class Feature Unarmed PP PKnown MaxPL 1 Assume Mantles I&II d6 2 2 1 2 Assume Mantle III d6 6 3 1 3 Bonus feat d6 11 4 2 4 Flurry of Blows(Ex) -2/+1 d8 17 5 2 5 Mantle I Upgrade d8 25 6 3 6 Assume Mantle IV d8 35 7 3 7 Bonus feat d8 46 8 4 8 AC Bonus(Ex) d10 58 9 4 9 Mantle II Upgrade d10 72 10 5 10 Assume Mantle V d10 88 11 5 11 Bonus feat d10 106 12 6 12 Flurry of Blows(Ex) -1/+1 d12 126 13 6 13 Mantle I Upgrade II d12 147 14 7 14 Assume Mantle VI d12 170 15 7 15 Bonus feat d12 195 16 8 16 Flurry of Blows(Ex) -1/+2 2d8 221 17 8 17 Mantle II Upgrade II 2d8 250 18 9 18 Assume Mantle VII 2d8 280 19 9 19 Bonus feat 2d8 311 20 9 20 Mantle I Upgrade III 2d10 343 21 9
Class Features
Assume Mantle(Ex):
Bonus feat: any Psionic feat.
Flurry of Blows(Ex): As stated.
AC Bonus(Ex): Wis to AC, no more than class level.
Chaos: Expend focus to deal extra d6 anarchic damage with any next attack.
- 2d8 damage.
- 3d10 damage.
- 4d12 damage.
- 3d10 damage.
Communication: While psionically focused you gain +2 c on Persuasion.
- +5 c and Rushed Persuasion penalty is -5.
- +7 c.
- +10 c, rushed diplomacy penalty negated.
- +7 c.
Consumption: AT=i, spend focus and gain 5 temp hp for 1m.
- 10 temp hp.
- 25 temp hp.
- 50 temp hp.
- 25 temp hp.
Creation: You gain an ectopic form feat.
- Second ectopic form.
- Third ectopic form.
- May apply two ectopic form feats simultaneously.
- Third ectopic form.
Destruction: You are treated as is you had Improved Sunder while focused. If you expend focus while attacking object, it's hardness is treated as 2 less.
- 5 less hardness.
- 10 less hardness.
- 20 less hardness.
- 10 less hardness.
Air: Your falls are treated as if they were 4 less.
- 8 less.
- 12 less.
- You do not take damage from falling at all.
- 12 less.
Earth: +2 on Acrobatics to resist falling, +2 on resisting trip.
- Increase bonuses to 4.
- Increase bonuses to 6.
- Increase bonuses to 10.
- Increase bonuses to 6.
Fire: +1 fire damage on melee attacks.
- +2 fire damage on melee attacks.
- +3 fire damage on melee attacks.
- +5 fire damage on melee attacks.
- +3 fire damage on melee attacks.
Water: Swim speed equal to land speed.
- Swim speed equal to land speed +2.
- Water breathing.
- Not impeded by water.
- Water breathing.
Energy: AT=i, expend focus. You gain resistance 5 to chosen energy for 3+Wis r.
- Resistance 10.
- Resistance 15.
- Resistance 20.
- Resistance 15.
Force: While focused you gain +1 deflection AC.
- +2 AC.
- +3 AC.
- +5 AC.
- +3 AC.
Freedom: +2 speed while focused, may spend focus to add ML on resisting grapple or escaping grapple.
- +3 speed.
- +4 speed.
- Constant freedom of movement.
- +4 speed.
Good: Expend focus to deal extra d6 sacred damage with any next attack.
- 2d8 damage.
- 3d10 damage.
- 4d12 damage.
- 3d10 damage.
Guardian: AT=i, redirect damage from ally to yourself. Before damage is rolled.
- DR 1/-
- DR 2/-
- DR 5/-
- DR 2/-
Justice: AT=i, You may expend focus to make one AoO against opponent who attack your ally.
- Two attacks may be made in this round, each one need to be provoked separately.
- Three attacks may be made in this round, each one need to be provoked separately.
- Focus is no longer needed.
- Three attacks may be made in this round, each one need to be provoked separately.
Knowledge: You can make knowledge checks untrained.
- You may expend focus to gain +2 on knowledge check.
- +5 on check.
- +10 on check.
- +5 on check.
Law: Expend focus to deal extra d6 axiomatic damage with any next attack.
- 2d8 damage.
- 3d10 damage.
- 4d12 damage.
- 3d10 damage.
Life: If you spend psionic focus while manifesting power from mantle list, this power is augmented by 1pp.
- 2 pp augment.
- 3pp augment.
- 5 pp augment.
- 3pp augment.
Magic: to do or not to do?
Mental Power: Treat your Wis as if it were 2 higher for purpose of bonus pp.
- Wis 4 higher.
- Wis 6 higher.
- Wis 8 higher.
- Wis 6 higher.
Natural World: Wild Empathy.
- +1 NA
- +2 NA
- +3 NA 25% fortification.
- +2 NA
Physical Power: AT=f D=1r expend focus. You gain +2 Str, Dex or Con.
- +4 bonus.
- +6 bonus.
- D=2r.
- +6 bonus.
The Planes: +1 on power penetration.
- +2.
- +3.
- +5.
- +3.
Repose: +2 Concentration, can expend focus to gain +5.
- +3 Concentration, can expend focus to gain +10.
- +4 Concentration, can expend focus to gain +15.
- +5 Concentration, can expend focus to gain +20.
- +4 Concentration, can expend focus to gain +15.
Alternative Class Features
Dominant Ideal
9. Dominant Ideal(Ex): Applying first metapower to Mantle I do not require spending a focus, metapowers or augment are 2pp cheaper (to a minimum of 2 pp). R: AC Bonus(Ex).
Unique Feats
Mantle Focus: +1 DC for powers from chosen Mantle.
Tap Mantle: You gain access to Mantle's powers.
- Don Mantle: You gain Mantle's granted power.
- Extra Aura: You gain Mantle's Aura.