1 Rage(Ex) +4/+4/+2 1/day 2 Fast Movement(Ex), Uncanny Dodge(Ex) 3 Trap Sense(Ex) +1, Damage Reduction(Ex) 2/- 4 Rage Prowess(Ex) +1, Endurance feat 5 Rage(Ex) +6/+6/+3 2/day 6 Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Safe Rage(Ex) 7 Trap Sense(Ex) +2, Damage Reduction(Ex) 4/- 8 Rage Prowess(Ex) +2, Diehard Feat 9 Rage(Ex) +8/+8/+4 3/day 10 Tireless Rage(Ex), Safe Rage(Ex) Improved 11 Trap Sense(Ex) +3, Damage Reduction(Ex) 6/- 12 Rage Prowess(Ex) +3, Mad Foam Rager feat 13 Rage(Ex) +10/+10/+5 4/day 14 Indomitable Will(Ex), Raging Insight(Ex) 15 Trap Sense(Ex) +4, Damage Reduction(Ex) 8/- 16 Rage Prowess(Ex) +4, Stout and Hard(Ex) 17 Rage(Ex) +12/+12/+6 5/day 18 Raging Fortitude(Su) 19 Trap Sense(Ex) +5, Damage Reduction(Ex) 10/- 20 Rage Prowess(Ex) +5, Unstoppable Rage(Ex)
Class Features
Rage(Ex): +Str/+Con/+morale Will, all bonuses are no more than level, -2 AC, D=3+Con r, fatigued thereafter.
Fast Movement(Ex): +2 move while in medium armour or load.
Uncanny Dodge(Ex):
Trap Sense(Ex):
Damage Reduction(Ex):
Rage Prowess(Ex): While in Rage add following value as a competence bonus on melee attack rolls and damage rolls (double damage bonus for two-handed weapons) and gain DR/-.
Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex):
Safe Rage(Ex): If barbarian was knocked out during Rage, he don't loose any hp from con reduction due to Rage's end.
- Improved: Don't loose any hp from con reduction due to Rage's end, although excess hp above his maximum are still lost.
Tireless Rage(Ex): You are not fatigued after Rage and may enter the Rage even while fatigued or exhausted.
Indomitable Will(Ex): While in Rage if you fail Will save you may delay effect for up to 3r. You may have only one Will effect delayed, and if affected by next effect you may choose to reset the duration and delay a new effect.
Stout and Hard(Ex): While in Rage if you fail Fort or Ref save you may delay effect for up to 3r. You may have only one Fort or Ref effect delayed, and if affected by next effect you may choose to reset the duration and delay a new effect.
Raging Insight(Ex): Blindsense Barbarian during rage.
Raging Fortitude(Su): Barbarian is treated as if having Regeneration 0 surpassed only by acid and negative energy during the rage. He heal no hp, but still most of damage he'll receive will be nonlethal.
Unstoppable Rage(Ex): During a rage barbarian cannot be killed, disabled, stunned or restrained. Any such effect takes place when rage ends.
Class Variants
Totem Barbarian
Ape: Must use Rage.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge
2. Power Attack (feat), Climb Speed(Ex): Equal half land speed.
3. +1 on Intimidate, increase by 1 for every three levels thereafter.
6. Climb Speed(Ex): Equal land speed.
Bear: Must use Rage.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR.
2. Improved Grapple (feat), Improved Grab(Ex): For all Bbn attacks.
3. +5 hp per Barbarian.
6. +4 on grapple while raging.
Boar: Must use Berserker's Strength.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge.
2. Toughness (feat), DR +2/-
3. +1 round of rage, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter.
6. DR +5/-
Dragon: Must use Berserker's Strength.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge.
2. Blind-Fight (feat), +4 against Fear.
3. +1 on saves against sleep and paralysis, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter.
6. Frightful Presence(Su):
Eagle: Must use Ferocity
Looses: Fast Movement, Trap Sense, DR.
2. +4 on Awareness.
3. +1 on Ref, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter. LLV(Ex), +1 on Awareness for each four levels thereafter.
Fox: Must use Ferocity
Looses: Fast Movement, DR.
2. +4 on Stealth
3. +1 dodge to AC, increases by +1 for every four levels thereafter.
Horse: Must use Resilient Rage
Looses: Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge.
2. Run (feat)
3. +2 on Ride, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter.
6. Dash (feat)
Lion: Must use Rage.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR.
2. Run (feat), Pounce(Ex): For all Bbn attacks.
3. +1 on Stealth, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter. May make Roar(Ex): ST, within 6sq, WW +1/2 Bbn+Str or shaken for Bbn rds. One additional use every four levels thereafter.
6. +1/2 Bbn lvl damage when Charging.
Serpent: Must use Whirling Frenzy.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge.
2. Improved Grapple (feat), +4 on Stealth.
3. +1 on Fort against poison, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter.
6. Improved Initiative (feat)
Wolf: Must use Rage.
Looses: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR.
2. Improved Trip (feat), Track (feat).
3. +1 on Nature, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter. +1 on flank attacks, increase by 1 for every four levels thereafter.
6. Knockdown (feat)
Looses: Rage(Ex) and all features that benefit it.
1. Favoured Enemy(Ex): +2*1
2. Archery Combat Style(Ex):
5. Favoured Enemy(Ex): +4*2
6. Improved Archery Combat Style(Ex):
9. Favoured Enemy(Ex): +6*3
10. Greater Archery Combat Style(Ex):
13. Favoured Enemy(Ex): +8*4
14. Archery Combat Style Mastery(Ex):
17. Favoured Enemy(Ex): +10*5, Master Hunter(Ex):
18. Archery Combat Style Supremacy(Ex):
Street Fighter
Looses: Fast Movement(Ex), Damage Reduction(Ex) and Trap Sense(Ex).
2. Roof-Walker (feat).
3. Increase threat range by 1 at charge or against FF. Dashing Step(Ex): +1 dodge AC while charging, increase by +1 for each four levels thereafter.
6. Roof-Jumper (feat) if you have Roof-Walker feat as part of Barbarian class levels.
7. May make one 90 turn during a charge.
11. May charge through allies and non-combatants.
15. May run while charging.
19. Cleaving Charge(Ex): If dropped enemy and have movement left may charge next enemy until runs of movement. Foe must be dropped with first attack.
Looses: Armour, Shield and Weapon Proficiencies except for Basic and Unarmed.
1. Improved Unarmed Strike feat, Two-Weapon Fighting feat (only unarmed strikes), reduce improvised penalty to -2.
6. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat (only unarmed strikes).
11. Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat (only unarmed strikes).
Planetouched Barbarian
Looses: Damage Reduction(Ex), Safe Rage Improved(Ex) at 11.
3. Planar Damage Reduction(Ex): 4/- against extraplanars and outsiders, increase by 4 for every four levels thereafter.
11. Menacing Rage(Su): While Raging, extraplanars and outsiders must save WW +1/2 Bbn +Con or -2 on attack rolls, checks and saves against Barbarian.
Monstrous Barbarian
Must be Monstrous Humanoid
Looses: Trap Sense(Ex), Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Diehard feat.
3. Fast Charge(Ex): +2 enh move on charge, increase by +2 for each four levels.
6. Awesome Charge(Ex): Awesome Blow feat while charging.
8. Raging Vigour(Ex): AT=s, expend Rage, heal Bbn*2 hp.
Rage Variants
Berserker Strength
1. Berserker Strength(Ex): Whenever you are below 3/4 hit points, Berserker Strength activates. You gain +4 Str, +2 on saves, DR 2/-, all bonuses are no more than level, and -2 to AC. You may exit Berserker state by succeeding a 22 Will save. Instead of Rage(Ex).
5. Berserker Strength(Ex): +6 Str, +3 on saves, DR 3/-, DC 23 Will save to end.
9. Berserker Strength(Ex): +8 Str, +4 on saves, DR 4/-, DC 24 Will save to end.
13. Berserker Strength(Ex): +10 Str, +5 on saves, DR 5/-, DC 25 Will save to end.
17. Berserker Strength(Ex): +12 Str, +6 on saves, DR 6/-, DC 26 Will save to end.
Any applicable improvements that improve Rage also improve Berserker Strength.
Whirling Frenzy
1. Whirling Frenzy(Ex): +4 Str, +2 dodge to AC and Ref, all bonuses are no more than level. Duration 3+Con, then fatigued. 1/day. Instead of Rage(Ex).
5. Whirling Frenzy(Ex): +6 Str, +3 dodge to AC and Ref, 2/day.
9. Whirling Frenzy(Ex): +8 Str, +4 dodge to AC and Ref, 3/day.
13. Whirling Frenzy(Ex): +10 Str, +5 dodge to AC and Ref, 4/day.
10. Whirlier Frenzy(Ex): May make extra attack during full attack, all attacks suffer -2 penalty. Instead of Tireless Rage(Ex).
14. Evasion(Ex): while in Whirling Frenzy. Instead of Indomitable Will(Ex).
17. Whirling Frenzy(Ex): +12 Str, +6 dodge to AC and Ref, 5/day.
Any applicable improvements that improve Rage also improve Whirling Frenzy.
1. Ferocity(Ex): +4 Str, +4 Dex, all bonuses are no more than level, -2 on ranged attack rolls, Duration 4+Con, then sickened. Instead of Rage(Ex).
5. Ferocity(Ex): +6 Str, +6 Dex, 2/day.
9. Ferocity(Ex): +8 Str, +8 Dex, 3/day.
10. Relentless Ferocity(Ex): Duration becomes 6+Con, no sickening at the end.
13. Ferocity(Ex): +10 Str, +10 Dex, 4/day.
14. Shifting Stance(Ex): +2 dodge to AC and Ref, may stand from prone as a swift action if not threatened by enemy with BAB 4 higher. Instead of Indomitable Will.
17. Ferocity(Ex): +12 Str, +12 Dex, 5/day.
Any applicable improvements that improve Rage also improve Ferocity.
Resilient Rage
1. Resilient Rage(Ex): AT=f, +4 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Will, +2/- DR, all bonuses are no more than level. D=3+Con, fatigued afterwards. 1/day.
5. Resilient Rage(Ex): +6 Dex, +6 Con, +3 Will, +3/- DR, 2/day.
9. Resilient Rage(Ex): +8 Dex, +8 Con, +4 Will, +4/- DR, 3/day.
13. Resilient Rage(Ex): +10 Dex, +10 Con, +5 Will, +5/- DR, 4/day.
17. Resilient Rage(Ex): +12 Dex, +12 Con, +6 Will, +6/- DR, 5/day.
Any applicable improvements that improve Rage also improve Resilient Rage.
Alternative Class Features
Uncanny Bravery
6: Uncanny Bravery(Ex): +4 on saves against fear. R: Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex).
View the Spirit World
6: View the Spirit World(Su): +2 Awareness, LLV, DV 24, See Invisible Bbn/2 rds, 1/day. R: Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex).
Trap Killer
3. Trapkiller(Ex): May search traps with Nature-5, may disable them with Attack roll, if fail trap is triggered. R: Trap Sense(Ex).
Unholy Fury
Must be Chaotic.
2. Unholy Fury(Su): Once per Rage may Smite opponent. R: Fast Movement(Ex).
Energy Resistance
3. Choose an energy. You receive Energy Resistance(Ex) 4 against that energy. Improve it by 4 for every four levels thereafter. R: Trap Sense(Ex).
Unique Feats
Rage Feats
Destructive Rage: +8 on Str checks to break objects.
Dragon's Fury: P: Dragon Totem Barbarian. B: +2 Str -2 AC while Raging, cannot end your Rage voluntary.
Extend Rage: +5 r duration.
Extra Rage: +2/day.
Instantaneous Rage: May enter Rage while flat-footed and during other character's turn.
Intimidating Rage: Once per rage may attempt to demoralize opponent as a free action. If successful then opponent is demoralized until end of your Rage.
Mad Foam Rager: Once per Rage you may delay single effect against you until the end of your next turn.
Raging Bull Rush: P: Improved Bill Rush. B: +4 on Bull Rush while Raging.
Raging Overrun: P: Improved Overrun. B: +4 on Overrun while Raging.
Reckless Rage: +2 Str and Con, -2 AC during a Rage.
Righteous Wrath[E]: You may ignore Rage actions limitations. First time you damage a foe he is shaken until the end of your Rage WW neg.