Lvl Class Feature Known Ready Stances 1 Steely Resolve(Ex) 5, School 5 5 (2) 1 2 Indomitable Soul(Ex) 5 5 (2) 2 3 Zealous Surge(Ex) 1/day 6 5 (2) 2 4 Steely Resolve(Ex) 10 6 5 (2) 2 5 Endurance feat 7 5 (2) 3 6 Smite(Su) 1/day 7 5 (2) 3 7 Zealous Surge(Ex) 2/day 8 5 (2) 3 8 Steely Resolve(Ex) 15 8 5 (2) 3 9 Diehard feat 9 5 (2) 3 10 Smite(Su) 2/day 9 6 (3) 3 11 Zealous Surge(Ex) 3/day 10 6 (3) 4 12 Steely Resolve(Ex) 20 10 6 (3) 4 13 Mettle(Ex) 11 6 (3) 4 14 Smite(Su) 3/day 11 6 (3) 4 15 Zealous Surge(Ex) 4/day 12 6 (3) 4 16 Steely Resolve(Ex) 25 12 6 (3) 4 17 Indomitable Soul feat 13 6 (3) 5 18 Smite(Su) 4/day 13 6 (3) 5 19 Zealous Surge(Ex) 5/day 14 6 (3) 5 20 Steely Resolve(Ex) 30 14 7 (4) 5
Class Features
School: Ares's Spirit.
Steely Resolve(Ex): May delay indicated amount of damage until start of your next turn. For each 5 damage in pool you gain +1 on attack and damage.
Indomitable Soul(Ex): +Cha on Will, no more than level.
Zealous Surge(Ex): Saving throw reroll indicated times per day.
Smite(Su): +Cha attack, + lvl damage, no more than level.
Ares's Spirit School
School Skill: Tactics
School Weapon: Spears
School DC: 1/2 IL + Cha
1. Crusader's Strike[S]: IT=S, if you hit one living creature within 2 heals 8+IL (max 5) hp.
1. Vanguard Strike[S]: IT=S, if attack hits allies gain +4 on melee and ranged attacks against this opponent for 1 r.
2. Foehammer[S]: IT=S, attack ignores DR and gain +d6 per IL (max 5d6) damage.
2. Shield Block[C]: IT=i, ally gain your shield AC +4 against one attack.
3. Defensive Rebook[B]: IT=s, each enemy you strike after initiating this manoeuvre provokes AoO if he attack anyone except for you within 1 r.
3. Revitalizing Strike[S]: IT=S, if you hit one living creature within 2 heals 24+IL (max 10) hp
4. Entangling Blade[S]: IT=S, opponent's all speed are reduced by 4 until end of his next turn.
4. Divine Surge[S]: IT=S, +8d8 damage.
5. Daunting Strike[S]: IT=S, if you hit opponent must make damage DC WW or become shaken for 1 m.
5. Ares's Charge[S]: IT=FR, make a charge attack, it deals extra 10d6 damage.
5. Spartan Charge[S]: IT=FR, make a charge, if you hit you deal extra 6d6 damage and gain DR 10/- for 1 r.
5. Wave of Deimos[S]: IT=FR, make a charge, you gain +8 on attack and +4d6 damage, if you hit you gain +5 AC and saves for 1 r.
5. Wave of Phobos[S]: IT=FR, make a charge, you gain +8 on attack and +4d6 damage, if you hit you gain total concealment for 1 r.
6. Rallying Strike[S]: IT=S, if you hit you and all living allies within 6 heals 24+IL (max 15) hp.
7. Castigating Strike[S]: IT=S, if you hit you deal extra 8d6 damage and opponent gain -2 on attacks for 1 m FC negate. Opponents within 6 of target receive 5d6 damage FC half and -2 on attack for 1 m FC negate.
7. Shield Counter[C]: IT=i, must be used after opponent declares an attack. Make a shield bash with -2 penalty, if you hit opponent automatically misses.
8. Divine Surge, Greater[S]: IT=FR, you may receive Con damage up to your IL. You gain +Con sacrificed on attack roll and 6d8 + 2d8 x Con sacrificed on damage. You becomes flat-footed after activating this manoeuvre.
9. Strike of Righteous Vitality[S]: IT=S, if you hit one living creature within 2 heals 180 hp.
1. Iron Guard's Glare: Opponents you threaten receive -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies.
1. Martial Spirit: each time you hit opponent, you or one ally within 6 heals 2 hp.
3. Thicket of Blades: Any movement except for withdraw provokes AoO from you before the opponent moves.
6. Aura of Ares's Spirit: When your weapon die damage shows maximum result you may re-roll it and add it to previous roll. This ability may be triggered no more than three times per attack.
6. Aura of Deimos's Spirit: You gain fast healing equal to number of your allies within 2.
6. Aura of Phobos's Spirit: Each time you damage an opponent you and all allies within 2 gain 4 hp.
6. Aura of Sparta's Spirit: You may take 11 instead of rolling 2d10 on any roll.
8. Immortal Fortitude: If any effect reduces you below 0 you may make damage DC FC save, if you succeed then you have 1 hp left.
Unique Feats
Devoted Bulwark: P: Ares's Spirit stance. B: You gain +1 m AC while in Ares's Spirit stance, increase bonus by 1 each time opponent hits you.
Extra Granted Manoeuvre: Your gain +1 granted manoeuvre.
Divine Spirit[D]: P: Ares's Spirit Stance, Turn. B: AT=i, must be in Ares's Spirit Stance and spend a turn. You heal IL+Cha hp.