Prinzessin:Epic Feats
[hide]Epic Level Feats
Note: Due to crapiness of many so called Epic Level feats many of them are reduced to non-epic status.
Epic Level Handbook + Revision Booklet
Additional Magic Item Space[E]: You may wear two magic items in one slot.
Bane of Enemies[E]: P: Nature 21, Favoured Enemy +10. B: Any weapon you wield is a bane weapon against favoured enemies.
- Death of Enemies[E]: P: Nature 27. B: Any time you score a critical hit against favoured enemy, it must make DC +Favoured Enemy Bonus +Wis FC save or die.
Blinding Speed[E]: P: Dex 25. B: You are under constant effect of haste.
Chaotic Rage: P: Rage. B: Any weapon you wield gain holy property during a rage.
Craft Feats are banned, non-epic craft feats qualify to craft higher than 20th level items.
Dexterous Fortitude[E]: P: Dex 25, slippery mind. B: Once per round you may substitute RD against any F save.
Dexterous Will[E]: P: Dex 25, slippery mind. B: Once per round you may substitute RD against any W save.
Dire Charge[E]: You gain pounce.
Distant Shot[E]: P: Dex 25, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Awareness 17. B: You may ignore any distance penalties and shoot at any target within line of sight while using a ranged weapon.
Energy Resistance[E]: Choose type of energy. You gain Resistance 30 to that energy.
Epic Fortitude[E]: P: Great Fortitude. B: +4 Fort saves.
Epic Reflexes[E]: P: Lightning Reflexes. B: +4 Ref saves.
Epic Speed[E]: P: Dex 21, Run. B: +6 speed.
Epic Will[E]: P: Iron Will. B: +4 Will.
Exceptional Deflection[E]: P: Dex 21, Wis 19, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike. B: May deflect any ranged attack. Spells add 1/2 CL to deflection DC.
Extended Life Span: Add one half your race maximum age modifier to your normal age categories. S: You may take this feat multiple times, but taking it more than once will require some in-world explanation and deeds (for example elven or outsider heritages do not qualify).
Fast Healing[E]: P: Con 25. B: Fast healing Con.
Great Charisma: +2 Cha. S: After reaching epic levels you may take this feat multiple times.
Great Constitution: +2 Con. S: After reaching epic levels you may take this feat multiple times.
Great Dexterity: +2 Dex. S: After reaching epic levels you may take this feat multiple times.
Great Intelligence: +2 Int. S: After reaching epic levels you may take this feat multiple times.
Great Smite[E]: P: Cha 25, Smite. B: Add your smite level to smite damage.
Great Strength: +2 Str. S: After reaching epic levels you may take this feat multiple times.
Great Wisdom: +2 Wis. S: After reaching epic levels you may take this feat multiple times.
Ignore Material Components[E]: P: Spellcraft or Prayercraft 22, 9th level spells. B: You may ignore any material components.
Improved Alignment-Based Casting[E]: P: Good or Evil Domain. B: +2 CL for good or evil spells.
Improved Special Ability[E]: Choose a special ability like Death Attack, Stunning Fist or Arrow of Death. Your ability have +2 DC.
Improved Aura[E]: Your Aura effect doubles. S: For Marshal and Dragon Shamans auras continue their progression via epic levels.
Improved Combat Reflexes[E]: You may make unlimited AoO per round.
Improved Darkvision: Your Darkvision range doubles.
Epic Favoured Enemy[E]: P: Favoured Enemy +10. B: Extra +2 on Favoured Enemy.
Improved Low-Light Vision: Your Low-Light Vision range doubles.
Improved Sneak Attack[E]: +2d6 sneak attack.
Infinite Deflection[E]: P: Dex 25, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows. B: You may perform any number of deflections per round.
Instant Reload: P: BAB 10, Weapon Focus:Crossbows. B: You may reload crossbow one step faster, and if reload time is reduced to f you may perform full attack with it.
Lingering Damage[E]: P: Sneak Attack 8d6, Crippling Strike. B: Any time you make sneak attack, target receives sneak attack damage second time in the next round.
Overwhelming Critical: P: BAB 12, Improved Critical. B: When you make critical hit, add Crit modifier minus 1 dices of damage.
- Devastating Critical[E]: Any time you score a critical hit against enemy, it must make DC +1/2 BAB +Str FC save or die.
Penetrate Damage Reduction[E]: Choose a special material. All your attacks now penetrate DR as if made from this material.
Perfect Health[E]: P: Con 25, Great Fortitude. B: You are immune to all non-magical diseases and poisons.
Reflect Arrows[E]: P: Dex 25, Deflect Arrows. B: When you deflect ranged attack, you may redirect it back as if you made it.
Sneak Attack of Opportunity[E]: P: Dex 25, Sneak Attack 8d6. B: Any AoO you make is Sneak Attack.
Spell Knowledge[E]: P: Spontaneous casting with maximum spell level available. B: Add two spells to your spell known.
Storm of Throws: P: Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot. B: AT=FR, you may make one throwing attack against any opponent within 6.
Superior Initiative[E]: P: Improved Initiative. B: +4 init.
Swarm of Arrows: P: Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot. B: AT=FR, you may make one ranged attack against any opponent within 6.
Uncanny Accuracy[E]: Dex 21, Point Blank Shot, Improved Precise Shot, BAB 11, Awareness 17. B: You may ignore any concealment.
Widen Aura[E]: P: Cha 25. B: Your Aura area becomes 10 times larger.
Complete Adventurer
Epic Dodge[E]: P: Dex 25, Evasion, Defensive Roll, Athletics 27. B: Once per round automatically receive natural 20 on your defence roll.
Epic Skill Focus[E]: P: Skill Focus with selected skill. B: +10 on checks with selected skill.
Epic Skirmish[E]: P: Skirmish +4d6/+4. B: +1d6/+1 Skirmish.
Complete Divine
Bonus Domain[E]: P: Wis 21, 9th level divine spells. B: Gain extra domain from your deity list.
Epic Devotion[E]: P: Wis 21, Iron Will. B: +4 on saves against spells with opposed alignment.
Holy Strike: P: Smite Evil, good. B: Any weapon you wield is holy weapon.
Spectral Strike[E]: P: Wis 19, Turn Undead. B: Any attack you make affects incorporeal creatures with 100% chance.
Complete Warrior
Armour Skin[E]: +3 NA.
Epic Combat Archery[E]: P: Point Blank Shot. B: You may make AoO within first range increment of your ranged weapon.
Damage Reduction[E]: P: Con 21. B: DR Con/-.
Epic Prowess[E]: +1 BAB.
Epic Toughness[E]: +6 hp per level.
Epic Weapon Focus[E]: P: Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon. B: +2 on attack rolls with chosen weapon.
- Epic Weapon Specialization[E]: B: +4 on damage rolls with chosen weapon. If you have 8 or more Fighter levels, you may add 1/2 Fgt instead.
Wield Oversized Weapon[E]: P: Str 25, BAB 20, Monkey Grip. B: You may wield weapons one category larger.
Complete Arcane
Epic Spell Focus[E]: P: Greater Spell Focus with selected school, 9th level spells. B: +2 DC with selected school.
Epic Spell Penetration[E]: P: Greater Spell Penetration. B: +4 on spell penetration.
Improved Combat Casting: P: Combat Casting, Spellcraft or Prayercraft 15. B: +1/2 CL on cast defensively.
Epic Insights Compilation
Combat Insight: P: Int 19, BAB 15, Combat Expertise. B: You may add Int instead of Str on melee damage rolls.