Lvl Class Feature Known Ready Stances 1 Weapon Focus:School, School 2 3 1 2 AC Bonus(Ex) 3 3 1 3 Quick to Act(Ex) +1 5 4 2 4 Discipline Focus(Ex):Damage 6 4 2 5 Adaptive Style feat 8 5 3 6 Dodge feat 9 5 3 7 Quick to Act(Ex) +2 11 6 4 8 Discipline Focus(Ex):AC 12 6 4 9 Evasion(Ex) 13 7 5 10 Crowd Tactics feat 14 7 5 11 Quick to Act(Ex) +3 16 8 5 12 Discipline Focus(Ex):Attack 17 8 5 13 Sense Magic(Su) 18 9 5 14 Blend the Crowd(Ex) 19 9 5 15 Quick to Act(Ex) +4 20 10 6 16 Discipline Focus(Ex):Saves 21 10 6 17 Mettle(Ex) 22 11 6 18 Hide in Plain Sight(Ex) 23 11 6 19 Quick to Act(Ex) +5 24 12 6 20 Stance Mastery(Ex) 25 12 6
Class Features
School: Assassin's Hand
AC Bonus(Ex): +Wis to AC while in light armour, no more than level.
Quick to Act(Ex): Add this value to your initiative.
Discipline Focus(Ex):
- Damage: +Wis on Strikes damage, no more than level.
- AC: +2 AC while in Assassin's Hand stance.
- Attack: +Wis on Strikes attack, no more than level.
- Saves: +2 on all saves while in Assassin's Hand stance.
Sense Magic(Su): AT=10 m, determine properties of magical armour or weapon.
Blend in the Crowd(Ex): As Camouflage but in the crowds.
Hide in Plain Sight(Ex): any terrain.
Stance Mastery(Ex): may use two stances simultaneously.
Assassin's Hand
School's Skill: Stealth.
School's Weapons: Daggers.
School's DC: 1/2 IL + Wis
1. Clinging Shadow Strike[S]: IT=S. If you hit you deal +d6 damage per IL (max 5d6) and your opponent gain 20% miss chance on attacks for 1 r.
1. Shadow Blade Technique[S]: IT=S, roll 2d10 twice and choose which result to use, if you used lower result your attack gain +d6 per IL (max 5d6) cold damage.
2. Cloak of Deception[B]: IT=s, you're affected as if by greater invisibility until start of your next turn.
2. Drain Vitality[S]: IT=S. If you hit your opponent takes 2 Con damage, FC negates.
2. Shadow Jaunt: IT=S, R=10, teleport.
3. Shadow Garotte[S]: IT=S, R=12, ranged touch, target must be living. Opponent takes +d6 per IL (max 10d6) damage and becomes flat-footed until start of your next turn.
3. Strength Draining Strike[S]: IT=S. If you hit your opponent takes 4 Str damage, FC half.
4. Hand of Death[S]: IT=S, opponent must be flat-footed. Make a melee touch attack - opponent is paralysed for d3 r if he fail FC save.
4. Obscuring Shadow Veil[S]: IT=S. If you hit you deal +d6 per IL (max 15d6) damage and your opponent gain 50% miss chance on attacks for 1 r.
5. Bloodletting Strike[S]: IT=S. If you hit your opponent takes 4 Con damage, FC half.
5. Shadow Stride: IT=M, R=10, teleport.
6. Ghost Blade[B]: IT=s, opponent is flat-footed against your next attack in this round.
6. Shadow Noose[S]: IT=S, R=12, opponent must be living and flat-footed. Target receives d6 damage per IL (max 20d6) and becomes stunned for 1 r.
6. Stalker in the Night[S]: IT=FR, move up to your move and make one attack during your move. If you end your move in the place where stealth available you may make Stealth check to remain unnoticed.
7. Death in the Dark[S]: IT=S, opponent must be flat-footed and not immune to crits. If your attack hits it deal extra 25d6 damage.
7. Shadow Blink: IT=s, R=10, teleport.
8. Enervating Shadow Strike[S]: IT=S, opponent who fails FW gain d4 negative levels.
8. One with Shadow[C]: IT=i, you become incorporeal until start of your next turn.
9. Five-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike[S]: IT=S, you deal extra 25d6 damage, roll d20 and target must succeed FW save to halve ability damage and negate special effect. 1-7 - legs, 2d6 Dex damage, s: speed 0 for d6 r. 8-14 - arms, 2d6 Str damage, s: -6 on attack rolls and Concentration for d6 r. 15-20 - heart, 2d6 Str, 2d6 Dex, s: 2d6 Con.
1. Child of Shadow: If you move 2 you gain concealment until start of your next turn. This concealment cannot be used for Hide in Plain Sight.
1. Island of Blades: If you and ally both adjacent to target, this opponent is considered as flanked by both of you.
3. Assassin's Stance: You gain Sneak Attack d6 +1d6 per five IL.
3. Dance of the Spider: You gain Climb 4.
5. Step of the Dancing Moth: You may move up to 1sq up and levitate there, moving as usual but ignoring effects from dangerous surfaces (like lava) and weak surfaces (like stretched paper or cloth). Also you ignore Stealth penalty for quick movement.
8. Balance on the Sky: You act as if you're affected by Air Walk spell.
Unique Feats
Extra Readied Manoeuvre: You gain +1 readied manoeuvre.
Shadow Blade: P: Assassin's Hand Stance. B: You may add your Dex (no more than IL) to damage with school weapons while in schools stance.
Shadow Trickster: P: CL 1, Assassin's Hand Stance: B: +2 DC of your illusions, you gain +2 sneak attack, flank or sudden strike damage.