Lvl Class Feature PP Known PL 1 Lurk Augment(Ex) I 1 1 1st 2 Psionic Sneak Attack(Ex) +1d6 2 2 1st 3 Lurk Augment(Ex) II 3 3 1st 4 Initiative Boost(Ex) 5 4 2nd 5 Lurk Augment(Ex) III 7 5 2nd 6 Psionic Sneak Attack(Ex) +2d6 11 6 2nd 7 Lurk Augment(Ex) IV 15 7 3rd 8 Evasion(Ex) 19 8 3rd 9 Lurk Augment(Ex) x2 23 9 3rd 10 Psionic Sneak Attack(Ex) +3d6 27 10 4th 11 Lurk Augment(Ex) V 35 11 4th 12 Slippery Mind(Ex) 43 12 4th 13 Lurk Augment(Ex) VI 51 13 5th 14 Psionic Sneak Attack(Ex) +4d6 59 14 5th 15 Lurk Augment(Ex) VII 67 15 5th 16 Extra Focus(Ex) 79 16 6th 17 Lurk Augment(Ex) x3 91 17 6th 18 Psionic Sneak Attack(Ex) +5d6 103 18 6th 19 Lurk Augment(Ex) VIII 115 19 6th 20 Master Lurk(Ex) 127 20 6th
Class Features
Lurk Augment(Su): AT=f once per round, affects one attack, total pp spent on one augment is no more than lvl, Lvl+Int/day. May use more than one different Lurk Augments on single attack at higher levels (x2 and x3). Save DC of Lurk augment, if any, is +1/2 Lurk +Int.
- Additional Sneak Attack: Extra d6 Sneak Attack +d6 for each two Lurk levels.
- Unfocusing Strike: Opponent hit must make WW save or loose psionic focus.
- Solid Strike: +Lurk+2 damage.
- Stunning Attack: Opponent hit must make +FC save or become stunned for 1 r.
- Aligned Attack: Attack gain your alignment for purposes of bypassing DR.
- Ignore Concealment: Ignore miss chance from concealment.
- Deceptive Strike: Target looses Dex to AC against this attack. This ability negates Uncanny Dodge if your Lurk lvl is 4 lvls higher than opponent's Uncanny Dodge classes.
- Reach Attack: +1 reach, extra +1 for each two Lurk levels.
- Ghost Touch: Attack as if weapon is ghost touch weapon.
- Power Drain: Drain pp equal to half damage dealt. This pp are available to you until end of your next turn.
- Stygian Weapon: Enemy struck by attack gain d4 negative levels for 1 r. Augment: Increase D for 1 r for each 4 pp. Necromantic effect.
- Planar Attack: Extra 2d6 +(Lurk x d6) damage to creature of opposing alignment.
- Mental Assault: 2 Int or Wis damage. Augment: +1 Int or Wis damage for each 4 pp. Necromantic effect.
- Synaptic Disconnect: Opponent hit must make WW save or loose ability to cast or manifest for 1 r.
- Greater Power Drain: Drain pp equal to damage dealt. This pp are replenish your pp pool up to it's maximum, what is left is available to you until end of your next turn.
Psionic Sneak Attack(Ex): As Sneak Attack but works only when psionically focused.
Initiative Boost(Ex): +Int to init, no more than level.
Slippery Mind(Ex):
Extra Focus(Ex): You can hold an extra psionic focus.
Master Lurk(Ex): Your psionic sneak attack dices are maximised, also once per day you may choose to maximize all your dices of damage while performing attack using a Lurk Augment.
Class Variants
True Thief
Looses: Lurk Augment(Su).
1. True Thief Augment(Su): As Lurk Augment but with following features. May be used instead of Lurk Augment in prerequisites.
- Additional Sneak Attack
- Stunning Attack
- Ignore Concealment
- Deceptive Attack
- Ghost Touch
VI: Nothing.
- Synaptic Disconnect
- Opportunist: As Rogue special ability.
- Lvl20: Death Attack: As Assassin class feature.
1. Psionic Trapfinding(Su): As Trapfinding but must be psionically focused.
3. Psionic Uncanny Dodge(Su): As Uncanny Dodge but must be psionically focused.
5. Psionic Trapsense(Su): As Trap Sense but must be psionically focused. Bonus is +1 and increased by +1 for each four lvls thereafter.
11. Psionic Skill Mastery(Su): As Skill Mastery but can only be used while psionically focused.
13. Psionic Mettle(Su): As Mettle but must be psionically focused.
Looses: Lurk Augment(Su).
Tracker Augment(Su): As Lurk Augment but with following features. May be used instead of Lurk Augment in prerequisites.
- Psionic Tag: Melee attack or touch attack tags the target. You gain 1+1/5 lvl on tracking this target. You may have 1+1/5 lvl targets at one time. Tag is dispelable and can be hindered by counter-divination magic.
- Stunning Attack
- Ignore Concealment
- Reach Attack
- Ghost Touch
- Power Drain
- Binding Attack: Opponent hit must make RD save or become entangled.
- Crippling Attack: You deal d6 Str damage on sneak attack.
- Stygian Weapon
- Mental Assault
- Synaptic Disconnect
- Greater Power Drain
1. Psionic Tracker(Su): +2 on Nature and Local to find someone while psionically focused.
3. Locate Trail(Su): At the cost of a Tracker augment use, you can locate a lost trail. If there is not an actual trail there, you will discover that but still spend augment use.
7. Locate Target(Ps): AT=S, spend focus and Tracker Augment. Locate object psi-like ability against tagged creature or object.
7. Psionic Stride(Su): As Woodland Stride but must be psionically focused.
17. Metafaculty Tag(Ps): AT=S, spend focus and Tracker Augment. Metafaculty psi-like ability against tagged creature or object. Consumes AP as usual.
Unique Feats
Lurk Augment, Extra: +3/day.
- Dire Stun: Your Stun Attack Lurk Augment gain +2 DC and stun lasts extra 1 round.
Lurk Augment, Ranged: You may apply Additional Sneak Attack, Solid Strike, Ignore Concealment, Mental Assault, Deceptive Strike, Ghost Touch, Aligned Attack, Planar Attack or Synaptic Disconnect lurk augments on your ranged attack within 6.
Lurk Master: Your Lurk level is treated as 2 higher for purpose of augments you can use.