Prinzessin:Psionic Feats
[hide]Expanded Psionics Handbook
Aligned Attack: P: BAB 6. B: While psionically focused your attacks are treated as if they were of your alignment for purposes of overcoming DR.
Body Fuel: AT=f once per round, take 2 ability burn to your Str, Dex and Con. You gain your ML pp and recover your focus.
Boost Construct: Your construct gain extra menu choice from it's highest menu choices available.
Combat Manifestation: You do not provoke AoO while manifesting powers.
Expanded Knowledge: You gain extra power from any list with level up to 1 lower than your maximum power level known to your list of powers.
Ghost Attack: P: BAB 3. B: While psionically focused, you re-roll failed incorporeal miss chance rolls against your attacks.
Hidden Talent: +1 pp per HD, you may choose one 1st level power from any list and manifest it with ML=1.
Inquisitor: P: Wis 13. B: Expend focus during an Empathy roll, you gain +10i on this roll.
Mental Leap: P: Str 13, Athletics 2. B: Expend focus during an Athletics roll, you gain +10i on this roll.
Metamorphic Transfer: P: Metamorphosis power. B: Choose one supernatural ability of creature form you know. While you assuming this creature form through Metamorphosis+Greater you gain this supernatural ability as if you actually were this creature.
Narrow Mind: You auto-succeed on rolls to regain psionic focus. Also after a full rest you gain extra focus, which if spent cannot be restored unless via taking full rest.
Overchannel: While manifesting a power you can choose to overchannel this power. Overchanneled power is treated as if it were 1 ML higher and can be augmented for this virtual ML increase, you take 5 damage.
- Improved Overchannel: P: ML 9. B: You can increase your ML by 2 for 10 damage.
- Greater Overchannel: P: ML 15. B: You can increase your ML by 3 for 15 damage.
- Talented: If you expend your focus during overchanneling of lvl 1-3 power, you take no damage from overchannel.
Power Penetration: +2 on power penetration rolls.
- Greater Power Penetration: +2 on power penetration rolls.
Psicrystal Affinity: You gain a psicrystal.
- Improved Psicrystal: Add one personality for your psicrystal, treat your ML as one higher for purposes of psicrystal abilities.
- Psicrystal Containment: You can store psionic focus in your psicrystal and use it as your own as long as psicrystal is within 1sq around you. Only you can psionically focus your psicrystal.
- Elemental Envoy: P: Wilder. B: You transform your Psicrystal with Elemental Envoy (choose one of four). It retains all qualities of the psicrystal (personality and focus, if any) and also while it's within 1s around you, you gain +1 ML while manifesting powers with same descriptor as your Envoys subtype.
- Envoy Cognizance: While your Envoy is within 1sq around you your powers with same descriptor as your Envoys subtype gain +1 damage per die.
Psionic Body: You gain 5hp per psionic feat you have.
Psionic Dodge: P: Dodge. B: While focused you gain +2 dodge AC.
Psionic Endowment: Expend focus, your next power you manifest gain +1 effective manifester level and +1 DC.
- Greater Psionic Endowment: Expend focus, your next power you manifest gain +2 effective manifester level and +2 DC.
Psionic Meditation: P: Concentration 4. B: You may gain focus using M instead of FR.
Psionic Shot: P: Dex 13. B: Expend your focus, your next ranged attack deal extra 2 dices of damage.
- Fell Shot: P: BAB 6. B: Expend your focus, your next ranged attack becomes touch attack.
- Greater Psionic Shot: P: BAB 5. B: Psionic Shot gain extra 2 dices of damage.
Psionic Weapon: P: Str 13. B: Expend your focus, your next melee attack deal extra 2 dices of damage.
- Deep Impact: P: BAB 6. B: Expend your focus, your next melee attack becomes touch attack.
- Greater Psionic Weapon: P: Str 13. B: Psionic Weapon gain extra 2 dices of damage.
Return Shot: P: Snatch Arrows. B: You may expend your focus to add opponents dex modifier on your Snatch arrows return attack.
Speed of Thought: P: Wis 13. B: While focused and not wearing a heavy armour you gain +2i speed.
- Psionic Charge: Expand your focus, you can charge opponent you see moving as you desire, not by straight line.
Up the Walls: P: Wis 13. B: While focused you can move freely on the walls, however your speed is halved.
Wild Talent: +1 pp per HD.
- Psionic Talent: P: Will +1. B: +2 pp per HD.
- Psionic Talent, Improved: P: Will +3. B: +3 pp per HD.
- Psionic Talent, Greater: P: Will +5, B: +4 pp per HD.
- Psionic Talent, Improved: P: Will +3. B: +3 pp per HD.
Wounding Attack: P: BAB 8. B: Expend your focus, your next attack deal 1 Con damage.
Complete Psionic
Deep Vision: P: Racial Darkvision. B: While focused your racial Darkvision range is doubled.
Focused Perception: You may expend focus as a free action to gain Blindsense 12 for 1r.
Focused Shield: While focused and wielding a shield, you increase this shield bonus by 2.
Focused Skill User: Choose 3 skills. While focused you gain +2 on these skills.
Instinctive Consummator: You may expend focus to autoconfirm critical hit.
Invest Armour: While you're focused, treat your armour bonus as 2 higher.
- Energize Armour: While focused and in armour, you gain resistance 10 to any energy. Changing energy is a move action.
- Deflective Armour: As long as you're focused, your armour applies against touch attack as well.
Mental Juggernaut: AT=i, expend focus, you may ignore failed save against effect that stun or daze you. You gain +1 on saves against daze or stun and additional +1 while focused.
Skin of the Construct: P: Astral Construct power. B: While manifesting an Astral construct you can choose to expend focus and absorb it within yourself. You gain ML temporary hp for ML hours and one Menu A power with the same duration as constructs you manifest.
Races of Stone
Earth Power: P: Earth Sense. B: You pay 1pp less (min 1 pp) while manifesting any power.
Magic of Eberron
Heroic Focus: You may spend 1ap to regain your focus as swift action. Also you gain 1 more ap each level.
Psionic Luck: If you expend your focus while using ap to increase a roll, you roll d10 instead of d6. If you have Action Boost feat, then you roll d12 instead. You cannot use this ability to boost DC.
Psychic Rush: You can spend ap to manifest any power you know for free as if you spent number of pp equal to your effective ML.
Secrets of Sarlona
Gestalt Might: AT=s, expend focus. You gain +2 Str and Dex for 1r.
Mind Mask: As long as you're focused, your aura do not have signs of your alignment and magical/psionic nature.