Lvl Class Feature I Class feature II 1 Sneak Attack(Ex) +d6 Skill-Monkey(Ex) +1 2 Apprentice Ability Trapfinding(Ex) 3 Trap Sense(Ex) +1 Sneak Attack(Ex) +2d6 4 Apprentice Ability Resourceful(Ex) 1 5 Sneak Attack(Ex) +3d6 Skill-Monkey(Ex) +2 6 Journeyman Ability Resourceful(Ex) 2 7 Sneak Attack(Ex) +4d6 Trap Sense(Ex) +2 8 Journeyman Ability Resourceful(Ex) 3 9 Sneak Attack(Ex) +5d6 Skill-Monkey(Ex) +3 10 Master Ability Resourceful(Ex) 4 11 Sneak Attack(Ex) +6d6 Trap Sense(Ex) +3 12 Master Ability Resourceful(Ex) 5 13 Sneak Attack(Ex) +7d6 Skill-Monkey(Ex) +4 14 Master Ability Resourceful(Ex) 6 15 Sneak Attack(Ex) +8d6 Trap Sense(Ex) +4 16 Grand-Master Ability Resourceful(Ex) 7 17 Sneak Attack(Ex) +9d6 Skill-Monkey(Ex) +5 18 Grand-Master Ability Resourceful(Ex) 8 19 Sneak Attack(Ex) +10d6 Trap Sense(Ex) +5 20 Grand-Master Ability Master Rogue(Ex)
Class Features
Skill Monkey(Ex): Add indicated bonus on all skill checks including complex ones.
Sneak Attack(Ex):
Apprentice Ability:
- Accurate Fall(Ex): May treat all falling damage as a nonlethal damage if succeed at Acrobatics check DC 20 for liquid or soft surfaces or DC 25 for hard surfaces.
- Disruptive Attack(Ex): When attacking flat-footed or flanked opponent may forego sneak attack damage to imply -5 penalty to that opponent AC for 1 round.
- Feign Death(Su): AT=i, appears to be dead for purpose of magical effects, Medicine check DC 10+lvl+Con to see through disguise.
- Light Sleeper(Ex): You do not take -10 penalty on Awareness during sleep.
- Trick Mastery(Ex): Choose one category of Skill Tricks. You may use tricks from this category more often as follows: Interaction - 1+Wis/enc, Manipulation - 1+Cha/enc, Mental 1+Int/enc and Movement 1+Dex/enc. You may take this ability up to four times choosing different skill trick group each time.
- Uncanny Dodge(Ex):
- Ambush feat. You may take this ability multiple times.
- Martial Training:Assassins Hand feat. Assassins only.
- Skill Focus feat. You may take this ability multiple times.
Trap Sense(Ex): Add indicated number to your AC and saves against traps and attacks in surprise round.
Resourceful(Ex): Indicated number of re-rolls per day.
Journeyman Ability:
- Breathstealer(Ex): May sacrifice sneak attack damage to imply recharge time of breath weapon by dice sacrificed/2 rounds.
- Defensive Roll(Ex): When damage will reduce you to half hp or less, may attempt Ref save DC = damage to halve damage. Evasion is not applicable. 1/encounter.
- Evasion(Ex):
- Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex): P: Uncanny Dodge(Ex).
- Fortification Penetration(Ex): 25%
- Quick Feint(Ex): You may feint-required action is reduced by one step as following: standard to move, move to swift, swift to free. You may feint as a free action only once per round.
- Skill Practice(Ex): Choose one skill. You receive 3+Appropriate Stat modifier re-rolls for this skill. No roll may be re-rolled more than once via this ability. It is NOT considered a luck effect. You may take this ability multiple times choosing different skill each time.
- Uncanny Bravery(Ex): +4 on saves against fear.
- Martial Stance:Assassins Hand feat. Assassins only.
Master Ability:
- Crippling Strike(Ex): +2 Str damage on Sneak Attack. Must be non-good.
- Face in the Crowd(Ex): May make Stealth check even if observed while in a crowd of 10+ persons.
- Fortification Penetration, Improved(Ex): 50%. P: Fortification Penetration(Ex).
- Holy Stalker(Su): +Rog positive energy damage when sneaking aberrations, abominations or undead. Must be non-evil.
- Mettle(Ex):
- Opportunist(Ex): Once per round may make AoO against opponent hit by ally.
- Skill Mastery(Ex): Choose 3+Int/2 Skills. You may take 10 with them even under stress or distraction. You may take this ability multiple times.
- Slippery Mind(Ex): May re-roll failed WC save at next round.
- Spell Reflection(Su): When enemy misses you with a ranged spell you may redirect it back with original modifiers. 1+Dex/day.
- Bonus Feat.
Grand-Master Ability:
- Stat Rush(Ex): Choose a stat. You may treat one stat check as 20 (not natural 20) 1/day. You may take this ability up to six times choosing different stat each time.
- Cartilaginous Skeleton(Ex): +4 escape Artist, +2 on Grapple, you may make AoO against creature that tries to grapple you even if they have Improved Grapple feat or Improved Grab.
- Facade(Su): If divination cast on you while you in disguise, make opposed CL vs Disguise check. If you win the divination spell tells info that is consisted with your disguise.
- Fear Mirror(Su): If you targeted by fear effect, the source is also targeted by this effect.
- Fortification Penetration, Greater(Ex): 75%. P: Fortification Penetration, Improved(Ex).
- Friend's Evasion(Ex): P: Evasion. B: Every adjacent ally gains Evasion.
- Skill Grand-Mastery(Ex): Choose a skill already affected by your Skill Mastery. You may take 20 on that skill even under stress or distraction 3/day. This Ability may be chosen multiple times.
Master Rogue(Ex): Your Sneak Attack is maximized.
Class Variants
Wilderness Rogue
Losses: Any Sp and Su Rogue Abilities.
Add following options to Wilderness Rogue Ability list.
Apprentice Ability:
- Terrain Mastery(Ex): Choose a terrain. You gain +2 move +2 competence initiative while in chosen terrain. You may take this ability multiple times.
Journeyman Ability:
- Woodland Stride(Ex): As a Ranger.
Master Ability:
- Camouflage(Ex): As a Ranger.
Grand-Master Ability:
- Hide in Plain Sight(Ex): As Ranger. P: Camouflage(Ex).
Martial Rogue
Looses: Sneak Attack(Ex), Master Rogue(Ex).
Every odd level: Bonus Fighter Feat.
20. Offensive Mastery(Ex): Choose one weapon group. For weapons from this weapon group you automatically confirms all critical hits, your critical multiplier is increased by 1, and also you gain maximum damage for weapons rolls..
Poison Master
Looses: Trapfinding(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), any Su and Sp Rogue abilities.
2. Poison Use(Ex). R: Trapfinding(Ex).
3. Poison Master(Ex): Increase DC of any poison used by Rogue by 1. Increase this bonus by 1 for every four levels thereafter. R: Trap Sense(Ex).
Add following options to Poison Master Rogue Ability list.
Apprentice Ability:
- Poisoner(Ex): May poison weapons as a s, +1 DC for poisons you craft.
Journeyman Ability:
- Poison Specialist(Ex): P: Poisoner. B: Any poison you craft have DC +1 and their damage empowered.
Master Ability:
- Poison Adept(Ex): P: Poison Specialist. B: Any poison you craft have DC +1 and their damage maximized (if not empowered by Poison Specialist).
Grand-Master Ability:
- Poison Master(Ex): P: Poison Adept. B: Any poison you craft have DC +1 and their damage empowered and maximized.
Mystic Rogue
Looses: Trapfinding(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), all Ex Rogue abilities.
2. Antiquarian(Ex): +Wis on Trade checks with divine items, may make Religion check to identify such item 1/day.
3. Spell Sense(Ex): Receive +1 dodge bonus to AC against ranged spells and sla, increase by +1 for each four levels thereafter. R: Trap Sense(Ex).
Add following options to Mystic Rogue Ability list.
Apprentice Ability:
- Minor Spell(Sp): 0 or 1st-level spell-like ability, CL=1/2 Rog 1/day. You may take this ability multiple times.
Journeyman Ability:
- Moderate Spell(Sp): 2nd level spell-like ability, CL=1/2 Rog 1/day. You may take this ability multiple times.
Master Ability:
- Major Spell(Sp): 3rd level spell-like ability, CL=1/2 Rog 1/day. You may take this ability multiple times.
Grand-Master Ability:
- True Spell(Sp): 4th level spell-like ability, CL=1/2 Rog 1/day. You may take this ability multiple times.
Alternative Class Features
Spell Reflection
6. Swap places of Spell Reflection and Evasion in abilities lists.
Quick Fingers
Looses: Trap Sense(Ex).
3. Quick Fingers(Ex):Simple Trap: AT=M, DC 10.
7. Quick Fingers(Ex):Tricky Trap: AT=S. DC 15.
11. Quick Fingers(Ex):Difficult Trap: AT=FR, DC 20.
15. Quick Fingers(Ex):Wicked Trap: AT=1d4r, DC 25+.
1: Disguise Self(Sp): CL=Rog, 1/day +1 at 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 level. May spend two uses to cast as a free action. R: Trapfinding(Ex) and Trap Sense(Ex).
Unique Feats
Ambush Feats
Arterial Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 2d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 1d6 to inflict bleeding 1 on opponent. This feat do stack with itself.
Burning Link[A]: P: Sneak Attack 3d6. B: You may sacrifice 2d6 Sneak Attack damage to transfer remaining Sneak Attack dices to targets familiar/animal companion/special mount, etc.
Concussion Attack[A]: P: Sneak Attack 3d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 2d6 to imply -2 on Int and Wis skill checks and ability checks for 1 m.
Dazzling Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 2d6. B: May reduce your Sneak Attack damage by Nd6, target is dazzled for N r. Both of you must be in bright illumination area.
Deafening Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 4d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 3d6 to make opponent deafened for 3 r.
Demonic Bloodthirst Ritual[A]: P: Sneak Attack 5d6, Worship Demons. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 4d6 to make opponent stunned for 1r. FC DC +Sneak Attack +Dex negate, 1/day. Foes that are immune to pain are immune to this ability.
Disembowelling Strike[A]: P: Weapon Focus, Sneak Attack 5d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack with Weapon Focus slashing weapon you may reduce your Sneak Attack by 4d6 to inflict d4 Con damage on opponent.
Eldritch Erosion[A]: P: Sneak Attack 3d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 2d6 to reduce opponent's SR And PR by 5 for 1m.
Gloom Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 3d6, assassin. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 3d6 to imply -4 on opponents awareness and treat all targets as having concealment against him for 3r. This effect is supernatural and can be dispelled with any light spell.
Hamstring[A]: P: Sneak Attack 3d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 2d6 to reduce opponent's mov by half for 24h. Any magical healing or DC 15 Medicine check restores movement reduction due to this feat.
Head Shot[A]: P: Weapon Focus, Sneak Attack 6d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack with Weapon Focus bludgeoning weapon you may reduce your Sneak Attack by 5d6 to inflict confusion on opponent for 1 r. WW +Sneak Attack +Dex negates.
Impeding Attack[A]: P: Sneak Attack 4d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 3d6 to imply -2 on Str and Dex skill checks and ability checks for 1 m.
Merciful Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 2d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by d6 to convert your damage to nonlethal.
Mind Drain[A]: P: Sneak Attack 2d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by d6 to force your opponent to lose Sneak Attack pp. If he is left with no pp due to this feat, then he also looses his psionic focus.
Painful Strike[A]: P: Power Attack, Sneak Attack 4d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 3d6 to imply -2 on attacks, saves, skill checks and ability checks for 1 m.
Persistent Attacker[A]: P: Sneak Attack 5d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 4d6. If you hit then your first attack in the next round is also a sneak attack regardless of sneak attack conditions being met.
Precise Strike[A]: P: Dex 13, Sneak Attack. B: May reduce Sneak Attack damage by Nd6 to receive +N competence on attack roll. The target still must be susceptible to Sneak Attack for this ability to be used.
Sickening Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 2d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 1d6 to make opponent sickened for 1 r.
Staggering Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 5d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 4d6 to make opponent staggered for 1r.
Terrifying Strike[A]: P: Intimidate 4, Sneak Attack 2d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack may reduce your Sneak Attack by 1d6 to make opponent shaken for 1 r. This effect do not stack with other fear effects. Mind-affecting fear.
Throat Punch[A]: P: Improved Unarmed Strike, Sneak Attack +3d6. B: When making a Sneak Attack with unarmed strike you may reduce your Sneak Attack by 2d6 to imply -5 on skill checks requiring speech and 50% failure chance to cast V spell for 3r.
Venomous Strike[A]: P: Sneak Attack 2d6, Poison Use. B: When making Sneak Attack with poisoned weapon you may sacrifice d6 for +2 Poison DC bonus.
- Deep Poisoning[A]: P: Sneak Attack 6d6, Poison Use. B: When making Sneak Attack with poisoned weapon may trade up to 5 +d6 for +1 Poison DC bonus each. Do not stack with Venomous Strike.
Weaken the Heart[A]: P: Sneak Attack 3d6. B: May reduce Sneak Attack damage by 2d6, opponent must make FC +Sneak Attack +Dex save. If he fails within 10 m each time he makes Str, Dex, or Con check he becomes fatigued. If he is fatigued already, then he becomes exhausted.
Sneak Attack Feats
Craven: P: Not immune to fear. B: Your Sneak Attacks gain +1 damage per Sneak Attack die. You receive -2 on saves against fear.
Sneak Attack of Opportunity: P: Combat Reflexes, Sneak Attack +3d6. B: Once per round may count your AoO as a sneak attack even if it is not counted as Sneak Attack.
Poison Use Feats
Poison Expert: P: Craft:Poison 5. B: Choose one type of poison. When you use this type of poison you crafted poison gain +1 DC.
- Poison Master: Choose one type of poison. When you use this type of poison you crafted poison gain +1 damage per die, or +1 damage in case of fixed damage.