Lvl Class Feature I Class Feature II 1 Skirmish(Ex) +d6 Favoured Terrain(Ex) +2*1, Trapfinding(Ex) 2 Battle Fortitude(Ex) +1 Uncanny Dodge(Ex) 3 Skirmish(Ex) +d6/+1 Fast Movement(Ex) +2 4 Bonus Feat Trackless Step(Ex) 5 Skirmish(Ex) +2d6/+1 Favoured Terrain(Ex) +4*2 6 Battle Fortitude(Ex) +2 Evasion(Ex) 7 Skirmish(Ex) +2d6/+2 Swift Step(Ex) +1 8 Bonus Feat Flawless Stride(Ex), Camouflage(Ex) 9 Skirmish(Ex) +3d6/+2 Favoured Terrain(Ex) +6*3 10 Battle Fortitude(Ex) +3 Blindsense(Ex) 6 11 Skirmish(Ex) +3d6/+3 Fast Movement(Ex) +4 12 Bonus Feat Skirmish Defence(Ex) 13 Skirmish(Ex) +4d6/+3 Favoured Terrain(Ex) +8*14 14 Battle Fortitude(Ex) +4 Hide in Plain Sight(Ex) 15 Skirmish(Ex) +4d6/+4 Swift Step(Ex) +2 16 Bonus Feat Skirmish Swiftness(Ex) 17 Skirmish(Ex) +5d6/+4 Favoured Terrain(Ex) +10*5 18 Battle Fortitude(Ex) +5 Free Movement(Ex) 19 Skirmish(Ex) +5d6/+5 Fast Movement(Ex) +6 20 Bonus Feat Blindsight(Ex) 6, Master Skirmisher(Ex)
Class Features
Skirmish(Ex): If you moved 2 in this round, add first value as precision damage to your attack rolls, and second value as competence bonus on AC. Both bonuses lasts until start of your next turn.
Favoured Terrain(Ex): Receive stated value to Awareness, Stealth, Nature and Knowledge:Geography rolls related to this terrain. Also, receive half of the stated value as a bonus on initiative checks while in favoured terrain. These bonuses do not stack with Favoured Enemy bonuses, if any.
Battle Fortitude(Ex): Add indicated value as a competence bonus to Fort and initiative.
Uncanny Dodge(Ex):
Fast Movement(Ex): +enh to move.
Trackless Step(Ex): Cannot be tracked in natural terrain.
Bonus Feat: Any archery-related feat, Any movement-enhancing feat, Blind-Fight, Danger Sense, Expeditious Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Quick Reckonniter, Skill Focus, Spring Attack (ignore Expeditious Dodge and Mobility prerequisites), Bounding Assault (reduce BAB prerequisite to +6), Rapid Blitz (reduce BAB prerequisite to +11), Manyshot (ignore Point Blank Shot and Shot on the Run prerequisites), Greater Manyshot (reduce BAB prerequisite to +9). Prerequisites are reduced or ignored only if feat is taken as Scout bonus feat.
Flawless Stride(Ex): Ignores difficult terrain.
Swift Step(Ex): AT=s, may move additional number of squares while making 5-feet step.
Camouflage(Ex): May use Stealth in natural terrain even without cover and concealment.
Blindsense(Ex): 6.
Skirmish Defence(Ex): After moving 2 may add Skirmish second value as a competence bonus on checks to resist disarm, feint, trip and grapple until start of your next turn.
Hide in Plain Sight(Ex): May use Stealth in natural terrain even while observed.
Skirmish Swiftness(Ex): After moving 2 may add Skirmish second value as a competence bonus on RD and damage rolls until start of his next turn.
Free Movement(Ex): +4 on saves against spells that impede movement, +lvl on checks to escape grapple.
Blindsight(Ex): 6.
Master Skirmisher(Ex): All your Skirmish precision damage is maximized.
Class Variants
Dungeon Specialist
Looses: Fast Movement(Ex), Evasion(Ex)
3. Climb(Ex): equal half land speed.
5. Dungeon Specialist(Ex): +2 to AC, no flanking bonuses when adjacent to wall and standing on ground.
11. Climb(Ex): equal land speed.
Alternative Class Features
Spell Reflection
5. Spell Reflection(Su): When enemy misses you with a ranged spell you may redirect it back with original modifiers, 1+Dex/day. R: Evasion.
Go to the Ground
3. Go to the Ground(Ex): Can't be Urban Tracked when lay low. R: Trackless Step(Ex)
1. Riposte(Ex): At the start of your turn select an opponent: Add indicated value on damage rolls against that opponent (target must be not immune to critical hits). Add second value as competence to AC against that opponent. Any applicable features that benefits Skirmish also benefits Riposte. R: Skirmish(Ex).
Feign Death
5. Feign Death(Su): AT=i, appears to be dead even for purposes of magical examination, Medicine check DC 10+lvl+Con to see through disguise. R: Evasion.
Sniping Shot
1. Sniping Shot(Ex): AT=FR, make a full attack, your ranged attacks within your first range increment make extra d6 precision damage. You are not allowed to move in the round you used Sniping Shot. Increase damage by d6 each four levels thereafter. Also add +1 on Sniping Shot attack rolls within first range increment instead of each /+1 of Skirmish. Any applicable features that benefits Skirmish also benefits Sniping Shot. R: Skirmish.
Unique Feats
Skirmish feats
Acrobatic Skirmisher[S]: P: Skirmish, Dex 13, Acrobatics 2. B: If you pass the opponents square using Acrobatics, you receive +d6 on your Skirmish.
- Improved Acrobatic Skirmisher[S]: P: Skirmish, Dex 13, Acrobatics 7. B: If you pass the opponents square using Acrobatics, you receive +d6 on your Skirmish.
Hinder[S]: P: Skirmish 2d6, Improved Initiative. B: You may reduce your Skirmish damage by d6 to reduce opponents speed by 2 for 1 m. Successful uses do not stack but reset the duration.
Improved Skirmish[S]: P: Skirmish 2d6/+1. B: If you moved 4 or more during this turn, increase your Skirmish by d6/+1 until start of your next turn. S: If you have 10 or more levels in Scout class, increase benefits of this feat to +2d6/+2. If you have 15 levels in Scout class, you need to move only 3 to gain benefit of this feat.
Ranged Skirmisher[S]: Dex 13, Wis 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. B: +6 Skirmish range.