Lvl Class Feature I Class Feature II 1 Mind Blade(Su) Wild Talent feat 2 +1 Mind Blade(Su) Weapon Focus:Mind Blade 3 Psychic Strike(Su) +1d8 Throw Mind Blade(Ex) 4 Mind Blade Enhancement(Su) +1 5 Free Draw(Su) Shape Mind Blade(Su) 6 +2 Mind Blade(Su) Speed of Thought feat 7 Psychic Strike(Su) +2d8 Multiple Throw(Su) 8 Mind Blade Enhancement(Su) +2 9 Bladewind(Su) Deadly Mind Blade(Su) x3 10 +3 Mind Blade(Su) Greater Weapon Focus:Mind Blade 11 Psychic Strike(Su) +3d8 Psionic Feat 12 Mind Blade Enhancement(Su) +3 13 Material Mind Blade(Su) Deadly Mind Blade(Su) 16-20 14 +4 Mind Blade(Su) Psionic Charge feat 15 Psychic Strike(Su) +4d8 Psionic Feat 16 Mind Blade Enhancement(Su) +4 17 Knife to the Soul(Su) Deadly Mind Blade(Su) x4 18 +5 Mind Blade(Su) Up the Walls feat 19 Psychic Strike(Su) +5d8 Psionic Feat 20 Mind Blade Enhancement(Su) +5
Class Features
Mind Blade(Su): AT=M, can be summoned only once per round. d6 17-20 x2 light slashing weapon, persist until thrown or released. Gains enhancement bonus as stated in the table.
Throw Mind Blade(Ex): Mind Blade may be thrown as a ranged weapon with 6sq increment.
Psychic Strike(Su): AT=M, D=1+Wis r, your Mind Blade deal indicated damage of extra damage against targets not immune to mind-affecting. Increase duration by 1 r at each level Psychic Strike damage increases after third.
Free Draw(Su): Mind Blade AT is f now, but still it can be used only once per round.
Shape Mind Blade(Su): AT=FR, mind blade might be one-handed weapon, two-handed weapon or pair of light weapons. In case of two light weapons keep track of their Psychic Strike charges separately.
Mind Blade Enhancement(Su): Mind Blade may be enhanced for up to indicated value by enhancements from following list. Enhancemetnts may be changed with 8 h meditation.
- Defending +1
- Keen +1
- Lucky +1
- Mighty Cleaving +1
- Psychokinetic +1
- Sundering +1
- Vicious +1
- Collision +2
- Mindcrusher +2
- Psychokinetic Burst +2
- Suppression +2
- Wounding +2
- Body Feeder +3
- Mindfeeder +3
- Soulbreaker +3
Multiple Throw(Su): You may summon your Mind Blade any times per round. Thus you may make full attack when you throw it.
Bladewind(Su): AT=FR, you may make one attack with your Mind Blade against each opponent within reach.
Deadly Mind Blade(Su): Mindblade crit range and damage are increased as stated.
Material Mind Blade(Su): Soulknife may imbue his mindblade with material essence to bypass DR. To do so he must hold tiny amount of this material in his hand during mindblade usage.
Knife to the Soul(Su): When you deal Psychic Strike damage you may choose to convert some or all Psychic Strike bonus damage dices to 1 point of any mental ability of your choice damage each. Your Psychic Strike immediately fades after using this ability.
Alternative Class Features
Hidden Talent
1. Hidden Talent. Also you may gain this feat multiple times, each time it gives you one more power and pp equal to previous taking +2. R: Wild Talent.
Bonus Feats
3. Bonus Feat: Any feat that benefits Mind Blade. Every time you would gain Psychic Strike you gain bonus feat benefiting Mind Blade instead. R: Psychic Strike.
Unique Feats
Psychic Strike Feats
Mind Cleave: If you drop creature below Con with your Mind Blade you may charge your Mind Blade with Psychic Strike as a free action.
- Mind Empowerment: If you drop creature below Con with your Mind Blade, your Psychic Strike becomes overcharged and deals extra d8 damage until it ends or you refresh it.
Mind Strike, Focused: If you expend your psionic focus while charging Mind Blade with Psychic Strike, you may add extra d8 to Psychic Strike damage for its duration.
Mind Strike, Swift: P: Psychic Strike +2d8. B: You may charge your Mind Blade as s action 1/day.