Prinzessin:Tactical Feats
[hide]Complete Warrior
Combat Brute[F]: P: BAB 6, Improved Overrun.
- Cleaving Overrun: You may make one attack at -2 against enemy overruned by you.
- Heedless Charge: While making a charge using Power Attack, you may convert up to half your attack roll penalty to AC penalty.
- Momentum Swing: In the round after charge when you use power attack to augment non-charge non-pounce attack your damage bonus is multiplied by 1.5.
Elusive Target: P: BAB 6, Mighty are Fallen.
- Negate Power Attack: Power Attack damage bonus against you is halved. Maximum reduction is equal to your MDB from armour.
- Diverting Defence: If you're wearing light armour or no armour and not using a shield hevielr than a buckler, you may change your facing during other characters turn as a free action once per round.
- Cause Overreach: If you provoke AoO and foe misses you, you may make free trip attempt against him. Opponent may not trip you on failed attempt.
Formation Expert: P: BAB 6, Shield Wall.
- Lock Shield: Your direct frontal Shield AC is increased by 2 and side frontal shield AC by 1.
- Step into the Breach: If your ally fall you may take move action or 1sq step to move to his position as if you readied action to do so.
- Wall of Polearms: You gain +1 on weapon attacks against opponent used power attack, +2 if this opponent is not using a shield. Double these bonuses if you are using spears or polearms.
Shock Trooper[F]: P: BAB 6, Improved Bull Rush.
- Advancing Blows: In the next round after successful bull rush you gain bonus on attack and damage rolls against bull-rushed opponent equal to squares moved.
- Directed Bull Rush: For each square you bull rush your opponent during a charge you also may push that opponent right or left.
- Domino Rush: If you bull rush one opponent into occupied space you may make trip attempt against him, and if the space is occupied by another opponent you may attempt to trip both of them. They do not get a chance to trip you on your failed attempt.
Player's Handbook II
Blood Spiked Charger[F]: P: BAB 6, Power Attack, Weapon Focus:Armour Spikes, Weapon Focus:Shields.
- Spiked Avalanche: Str x 2 bonus damage on charge while using spiked shield or armour spikes.
- Spiked Rebuke: When opponent misses your full AC but "hit" your AC without shield and fight defensively, you gain +2 on attack rolls against him on your next action.
- Spiked Slam: AT=FR, you provoke AoO. Make a spiked shield attack, this attack gains Str x 2 +size die bonus damage.
Combat Cloak Expert[F]: P: Dex 15, BAB 6, Combat Expertise, Dodge.
- Cloaked Defence: You don't lose your cloak shield AC bonus while performing combat manoeuvres using it. Also your cloak AC bonus is applied to whole front arc and also is increased by 1 if you fighting defensively.
- Cloaked Strike: May feint with a cloak one action faster. On a successful feint you may choose either opponent's shield AC or dodge AC.
- Whirling Cloak: AT=M, melee touch attack, if you hit your opponent may not make AoO until start of your next turn.
Combat Panache[F]: P: Intimidate 6, Persuasion 6, Perform 6.
- Fortuitous Tumble: AT=i, after opponent misses you, you may declare another target adjacent to you and within opponents reach for his attack as if he attacked that target instead. However this "new" attack looses all bonuses affecting only one attack (like true strike spell or action point use).
- Play Dead: AT=i, you must be below half hp. This ability may be activated only in response to attack which dealt you more than your HD damage. You fall prone and seem to be dead for all observers who fail their Awareness VS your Persuasion roll. If you decide to stand up any opponent who believed you were dead looses his Dex to AC against your attack in the round you stand up, this ability can be used only once per encounter. DC 10 Medicine close examination as a FR reveal that you're alive.
- Sneering Glower: AT=M, you must damage opponent first. Make an intimidate check, if it is successful, then opponent takes Cha penalty on attack rolls against you.
Einhander[F]: P: BAB 6, Weapon Finesse, Acrobatics 3.
- Narrow Profile: +2 dodge AC while fighting defensively.
- Off-hand Balance: After successfully feinting against opponent you may make on free 1sq step to square adjacent to him. Your position bonuses and penalties against this opponent are treated as if you were standing at this square from the beginning of your turn.
- Off-hand Swap: You may feint one action faster. You gain +1 on all feint checks.
Shadowstriker[F]: P: Stealth 9.
- Evade Notice: If ally hit opponent, you may make Stealth VS Awareness roll against this opponent as i-action. If you win, this opponent looses his Dexterity to AC against your first attack until his turn and also may not make AoO against you.
- Fade Away: AT=FR, make an attack then a move. Make a Stealth check as a part of the move with +5 bonus if your attack hit.
- Ghost Strike: May feint using Stealth vs Awareness roll. You may feint against opponents within 6 sq.
Races of the Wild
Woodland Archer[F]: P: BAB 6, Point Blank Shot.
- Adjust: AT=M, you gain +4 bonus on your next archery attack roll within 1 round.
- Pierce the Foilage: If you successfully hit opponent protected by mirror image, your next attack is automatically targeted at the target and not at mirror images.
- Moving Sniper: You may move during your sniping.
Tome of Battle
Clarion Commander: P: BAB 6, Legionnaire's Defence. S: To use this feat you must be in Legionnaire Commander stance.
- Following Up: After hitting an opponent you may spend M-action and target provokes AoO from chosen ally.
- Perpetual Flanking: If you make successful melee attack against opponent, this enemy is treated as flanked by you and your allies for 1 r.
- Pile On: If you used aid another to help ally to hit an opponent and your ally succeeds, you may make i attack against this enemy.
Distant Horizon: P: BAB 6, Flailing Wind Attack. S: To use this feat you must be in Wind Dragon stance.
- Continued Push: If you moved opponent at least 1sq via bull-rush or Wind Dragon strike you gain +4 on Str and Dex checks and +4 on grapple against him until end of your next turn.
- Turn the Tables: If opponent missed you with charge or were unable to make declared charge attack due to being interrupted, you may charge this opponent from 1sq distance or using not straight line path.
- Lasting Weak Spot: If you hit opponent, you may make any of your attacks against him in this round with -2 penalty. If any of this attacks hits this opponent takes one more die of damage from any melee attack within 1m.
Faith Unswerving: P: BAB 6, Devoted Bulwark. S: To use this feat you must be in Elemental Spirit stance.
- Keep up the Pressure: If you hit an opponent, any time before your next turn you may spend a i action to follow this enemy up to your move, if your opponent moves.
- Take One for the Team: If opponent attacks adjacent ally, as i you may roll 2d10+your AC + 10 versus his attack roll. If you succeed his attack hits you instead.
- One Last Strike: If enemy drops you below 0 hp, as you may choose to move up to 1 sq and make an attack with +5 bonus as a free action. This ability may be used only if you may try to hit actual enemy. You fall unconscious after this attack. You may use this ability even if enemy attack would kill your character, in which case your character is left stabilized with -Con hp.
Gloom Razor: P: BAB 6, Shadow Blade, Stealth 6. S: To use this feat you must be in Assassins Hand stance.
- Lingering Gloom: If foe misses you due to concealment you may spend i-action to become invisible until end of your next turn.
- Moving Shadows: If you hit opponent and move 2 during your turn, your opponent is flat-footed against your first attack on the next turn.
- Shadow Slip: Once per round if you hit your opponent you may 1sq step as a f to any square adjacent to him.
Reaping Talons: P: BAB 6, Two-Weapon Fighting. S: To use this feat you must be in Berserker Warrior stance.
- Focused Assault: AT=FR, must be armed with two weapons. You make one attack with each weapon against any opponent who attacked you in previous round.
- Cornered Predator: You gain +1 on melee attacks for each enemy who threatens you.
- Talon Shield: You gain +1 shield AC for each enemy who threatens you. This "shield" acts only in directions from which you're threatened.
Scorching Sirocco: P: BAB 6, Fire Dragon Dodge. S: To use this feat you must be in Fire Dragon stance.
- Fan the Flames: If you deal fire damage to opponents you may spend i and all opponents damaged via this attack automatically catches on fire.
- Mark of Fire: If you deal fire damage to opponent via Fire Dragon strike, your allies gain +2 on attacks against this opponent for 1r.
- Dance of Flame: If you move at least 2 and initiate Fire Dragon strike in one turn, any opponent attacking you until start of your next turn in melee takes IL fire damage.
Shards of Granite: P: BAB 6, Stone Dragon Power. S: To use this feat you must be in Stone Dragon stance. Also converting 5 points of bab to Stone Dragon Power feat is required to use each manoeuvre.
- Battering Smash: Your attack ignore hardness.
- Eviscerating Strike: Your attack ignore armour.
- Unstoppable Onslaught: Your attack ignore DR.
Stormguard Warrior: P: BAB 6, Eisenherz Aura. S: To use this feat you must be in Eisenherz stance.
- Channel the Storm: If you refrain from making AoO against opponent, you gain +4 on attacks and damage against him for 1r.
- Combat Rhythm: You may make melee touch attacks instead of normal attacks. For each attack that hit you gain +IL on melee damage on your next turn.
- Fight the Horde: If you damaged two or more opponents during your turn, you gain +2 on attacks against these opponents until end of your next turn.
Dragon Magazine
Blinding Strike[F]: P: Dex 13, BAB 5, Power Attack.
- Blind the Foe: AT=FR, make an attack, if it hit then your foe is blinded for d4 r, FC vs Str negates.
- Weaken the Gaze: AT=FR, make an attack, if it hit then your foe have DC of its gaze attacks reduced by 5 for 1m.
- Eye Gouge: AT=FR, provoke AoO. Make an attack, if it hit then your opponent looses its gaze attack for d4 r, FC vs Str negates.
Deafening Blow[F]: P: BAB 4, Power Attack.
- Battle Clangour: Make melee touch attack with bludgeoning weapon. Opponent takes -4 penalty on saves vs sonic and language-dependent for 1 m.
- Disorienting Blow: Once per round your melee bludgeoning attack may shaken enemy for d4 r, FC vs Str negates.
- Deafen Foe: AT=FR, make a melee attack with bludgeoning weapon. If you hit, your opponent is deaf for d4 r, FC vs Str negates.
Exhausting Defence[F]: P: BAB 5, Combat Expertise, Dodge.
- Fatigue the Foe: Opponent that misses you in melee must make DC 15 FC save or become fatigued. Every time this ability is triggered on the same opponent DC is increased by 1/5 BAB until end of encounter.
- Exhaust the Foe: Fatigued opponent that misses you melee must make DC 15 FC save or become exhausted. Every time this ability is triggered on the same opponent DC is increased by 1/5 BAB until end of encounter.
- The Best Offence: You gain +2 on attack rolls against fatigued and exhausted opponents. You treat exhausted opponents as flat-footed.