Lvl Class Features Eldritch Blast Invocation 1 Eldritch Blast(Sp), Invocations d6 Any Least 2 Detect Magic(Sp), Energy Resistance(Ex) 5*1 2d6 Any Least 3 Damage Reduction(Su) 4 3d6 Type Least 4 Resilience(Su) 5 4d6 Any Least 5 Imbue Item(Su) 5d6 Shape Least 6 Energy Resistance(Ex) 10*1 6d6 Any Lesser 7 Damage Reduction(Su) 8 7d6 Type Lesser 8 Resilience(Su) 10 8d6 Any Lesser 9 Bonus Feat 9d6 Essence Lesser 10 Energy Resistance(Ex) 15*2 10d6 Any Lesser 11 Damage Reduction(Su) 12 11d6 Any Greater 12 Resilience(Su) 15 12d6 Type Greater 13 Bonus Feat 13d6 Any Greater 14 Energy Resistance(Ex) 20*2 14d6 Shape Greater 15 Damage Reduction(Su) 16 15d6 Any Greater 16 Resilience(Su) 20 16d6 Any Dark 17 Bonus Feat 17d6 Type Dark 18 Energy Resistance(Ex) 25*3 18d6 Any Dark 19 Damage Reduction(Su) 20 19d6 Essence Dark 20 Perfection(Ex), Resilience(Su) 25 20d6 Any Dark
Class Features
Eldritch Blast(Sp): AT=S, R=10, indicated value untyped damage, SR negates.
Damage Reduction(Ex):
- Arcane: +1/each tier.
- Demonic: cold iron.
- Diabolic: silver.
- Fey: cold iron.
Resilience(Su): AT=f, D=20r, Fast Healing indicated value.
Energy Resistance(Ex):
- Arcane: Force + untyped magical damage.
- Demonic: Electricity + any one.
- Diabolic: Fire + any one.
- Fey: Cold + any one.
Imbue Item(Su): May craft Chausible of Fell Power, Gauntlets of Eldritch Energy, Gloves of Eldritch Admixture and Warlock Scepeter even without craft feats or spells.
Bonus Feat: Heritage feat from below. todo more
- Arcane: Becomes an outsider.
- Demonic: Becomes a demon.
- Diabolic: Becomes a devil.
- Fey: Becomes an fey.
Alternative Class Features
Fiendish Flamewrath
8: Fiendish Flamewrath(Su): AT=f, wreathed by flames, non-reach weapon attackers receive 5d6 fire damage. Increase by 5d6 for each five levels thereafter. R: Resilience(Su). Diabolic warlock only, in case of demonic Warlock energy type changed to electricity.
Venomous Blood
Looses: Resilience(Su). Fiendish Warlock only.
8: +4 FC against poison.
13: Biting or swallowing creatures must make +1/2Wlk+Cha FC save or be poisoned d3Str/d3Str.
18: AT=M, may secrete poison +1/2Wlk+Cha d6Str/d6Str at palm and apply to weapon or Eldritch Blast, 3/day.
Unique Feats
Heritage Feats
Fiendish Heritage: P: Fiendish Warlock. B: +4 on FC saves against poison, +1 on saves against spells and effects produced by lawful creatures.
- Fiendish Legacy: P: Warlock 9. B: fire shield(Sp) (fire only), teleport(Sp) (self +50 pounds of equip), summon monster V(Sp) (fiendish creatures only), 1/day all.
- Fiendish Power: +1 CL and DC for Warlock invocations and Pact Sorcerers spells.
- Fiendish Presence: P: Warlock 6. B: detect thoughts(Sp), suggestion(Sp), ventriloquism(Sp), 1/day all.
- Fiendish Resistance: 3*Demonic Heritage feats resistance to fire and electricity.
Fey Heritage: P: Fey Warlock. B: +3 on WC saves.
- Fey Legacy: P: Warlock 9. B: confusion(Sp), dimension door(Sp), summon nature's ally V(Sp), 1/day all.
- Fey Power: +1 CL and DC for Warlock invocations.
- Fey Presence: P: Warlock 6. B: charm monster(Sp), deep slumber(Sp), disguise self(Sp), 1/day all.
- Fey Skin: DR 1+Fey Heritage feats/cold iron.
Other Feats
Eldritch Claws: P: Eldritch Blast 2d6. B: AT=f, D=1 r, you form claws of Eldritch energy, damage = base unarmed damage + half your Eldritch Blast damage. While Eldritch Claws are active you cannot use your Eldritch Blast.
Grappling Blast: P: Eldritch Blast 3d6. B: On a successful grappling check you may inflict Eldritch Blast damage to your opponent (cannot be modified with Essence or Shape invocation). You receive bonus equal to half of damage you inflict with Grappling Blast to your next grapple check in the next round.
Force Affinity: Your Eldritch Blast ignore miss chance from incorporealness.
Infernal Affinity: P: Lesser Invocations. B: Creatures of lawful alignment receive -1 penalty on saving throws against your blasts and invocations. Against outsiders and divine servants this penalty is increased to -3.
Type Invocations
Arcane: No type invocations, receives one invocation of his own choice instead.
- Least: True Strike: As spell but also ignores cover.
- Lesser: Eldritch Warding: As entropic Warding but 50% miss chance,
- Greater: Eldritch Hail:Shape: Full attack. Use only half of your Eldritch blast dices on damage.
- Dark: Pinning Blast:Essence: Target failed Reflex Save entangled for Cha rounds, takes half damage each round.
- Least: Eldritch Rage: As Rage spell but without AC penalty
- Lesser: Ego Shield: AT=S, D=CL, Cha to AC, no more than Wlk
- Greater: Ego Armour: AT=S, D=1d, Cha/silver DR, no more than Wlk.
- Dark: Eldritch Claws:Shape: TWF blast. Use only half of your Eldritch blast dices on damage.
Fey: todo
Invocations Changes
Chain Blast is Dark level.
Eldritch Doom is Greater level.
Eldritch Glaive: Use only half of your Eldritch blast dices on damage.
Vitriolic Blast is renamed in to Shocking Blast, electricity damage type.