Lvl Class Feature Spells per day 1 Specialization, Slot I 3/1 2 Familiar 4/2 3 Slot II 4/3/1 4 Minor School Esoterica(Ex) 4/4/2 5 Slot III 4/4/3/1 6 Feat 4/4/4/2 7 Slot IV 4/4/4/3/1 8 Caster level Increase(Ex) +1 4/4/4/4/2 9 Slot V 4/4/4/4/3/1 10 Feat 4/4/4/4/4/2 11 Slot VI 4/4/4/4/4/3/1 12 Moderate School Esoterica(Ex) 4/4/4/4/4/4/2 13 Slot VII 4/4/4/4/4/4/3/1 14 Feat 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/2 15 Slot VIII 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/3/1 16 Caster Level Increase(Ex) +2 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/2 17 Slot IX 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/3/1 18 Feat 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/2 19 Timeless Body(Ex) 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/3 20 Major School Esoterica(Ex) 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4
Class Features
Spellcasting: Int-based Prepared Spellbook.
Specialization: Must specialize in school of magic. In case of Universal specialization use standard slots.
Spells: In case of School Specialization must ban two Schools of magic, and receives extra Specialist spell slot in spell level.
School Esoterica: See below.
Feat: Metamagic, Item Creation, Spell Mastery, Reserve feat or any of the unique feats below.
Caster Level Increase(Ex): Specialization school CL increase.
School Esoterica
Minor functions constantly, moderate activates when you cast your specialization school spell and lasts Wiz r unless stated otherwise, major can be used 3 times per day.
Abjuration Specialist
- Minor: +1/4 Wiz c on dispel.
- Moderate: Evasion and Mettle.
- Major: May cast personal abjurations as T.
Conjuration Specialist
- Minor: Any creature you summon or call have extra Wiz hp.
- Moderate: +5 on resisting dispels for your conjuration spells.
- Major: You can cast S-action conjurations as s.
Divination Specialist
- Minor: D=Conc spells lasts extra 1/4 Wiz rounds.
- Moderate: Greater uncanny dodge for duration of the spell.
- Major: When you cast divination you gain true seeing effect with same CL.
Enchantment Specialist
- Minor: Targets of your charm spells do not gain a bonus on their saves due to being currently threatened or attacked by you or your allies, subjects of your compulsion spells do not get a bonus on saves due to being forced to take an action against their natures.
- Moderate: May reroll failed saves against mind-affecting.
- Major: Creature that succeeded save against your enchantment must re-roll it's save. This ability mutually negates Slippery Mind.
Evocation Specialist
- Minor: +1/2 Wiz on damage with evocations.
- Moderate: Energy resistance 20 for all energies.
- Major: Creature that fails saving throw against your evocation receives half of damage it received on the following round.
Illusion Specialist
- Minor: Will Disbelief illusions gain +2 DC
- Moderate: You gain 50% concealment
- Major: Your illusions are silent and stilled, and do not require material components.
Transmutation Specialist
- Minor: When your transmutation is dispelled it lasts another one round before dissipating.
- Moderate: May re-roll failed saves against transmutations.
- Major: Whenever target saves against your transmutations it receives Wiz damage.
Universal Specialist
- Minor: +5 on spellcraft checks to recognise spells.
- Moderate: Once per day you may counterspell without readying action to do so.
- Major: -1 Metacost for all meta.
Class Variants
Focused Specialist
1. Focused Specialist(Ex): Extra prohibited School, +1 Specialization slots per Spell class feature.
Alternative Class Features
Immediate Magic
2. AT=i, D=1r, DC= +1/2 Wiz +Int, Int/day. R: Familiar.
- Abjuration: Urgent Shield(Su): +2 AC.
- Conjuration: Abrupt Jaunt(Su): Teleport 2.
- Divination: Glimpse of Peril(Su): +2 insight on saving throw.
- Enchantment: Instant Daze(Su): Opponent with no more HD than you who attack you in melee are dazed (WC negates).
- Evocation: Counterfire(Su): When visible opponent within 12 targets you with ranged attack, you may make RT with Wiz/3 d6 force damage.
- Illusion: Brief Figment(Su): Double self as a mirror image.
- Transmutation: Sudden Shift(Su): Climb, fly or swim equal your land speed.
Battle Wizard
6 and every 4 levels thereafter: Bonus Fighter feat. R: Bonus Wizard feats.
Familiar Substitution
This class feature replaces Familiar at 2nd level.
- Abjurer: Resistance to Energy(Su): AT=S, R=T, D=1h, 5+Wiz resistance to chosen energy, 1/day.
- Conjurer: Rapid Summoning(Ex): Summon Monster CT is S.
- Diviner: Enhanced Awareness(Ex): Identify CT=10m, arcane eye speed = 4, +1 divination spells DC.
- Enchanter: Cohort: As if your leadership score 2 lower.
- Evoker: Energy Affinity(Ex): +1 CL for evocation spells of chosen energy type.
- Illusionist: Chains of Disbelief(Ex): Opponents do not receive +4 on their WI to disbelieve illusion they are informed about. If illusion is obvious, still WI +10 save must be made to see through it.
- Transmuter: Enhanced Attribute(Ex): AT=s, +2 on any one stat. D=Wiz m. 1+1/5 Wiz /day.
Bonus Feats Substitution
This class feature replaces Bonus feat at 6th lvl an each 4 levels thereafter.
- Abjurer: Aura of Protection(Ex): AT=S, R=S, D=1m(d), Int defl AC or Int res saves against one attack. 1/day +1 for each 4 levels.
- Conjurer: Enhanced Summoning(Ex): Summoned creatures gain at 6th +2 dispel DC, at 14th +4 dispel DC, at 10th +2 Str and Con, at 18th +4 Str and Con.
- Diviner: Bonus Feat List: Skill Focus:Awareness or Empathy, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Reckonniter.
- Enchanter: Social Proficiency(Ex): +2 comp on Empathy, Intimidate and Persuasion, increase bonus by 2 for each 4 lvls thereafter.
- Evoker: Energy Substitution(Ex): AT=f, while casting a spell, may change its energy type to any other energy. 1/day +1 extra use for each 4 levels thereafter.
- Illusionist: Shadow Shaper(Ex): Int to Stealth at 6th. +1 illusion spells DC at 10th. Hide in Plain Sight at 14th. Invisible in shadow illumination at 18th.
- Transmuter: Spell Versatility(Ex): At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter may select any spell from sor/wiz list and treat it as a transmutation spell.
Spell Slots Substitution
This class Feature replaces Slot class feature.
- Abjurer: Spontaneous Dispelling(Ex): May loose 4 spell levels to cast dispel magic. At 11-th level may loose 7 spell levels to cast greater dispel magic.
- Conjurer: Spontaneous Summoning(Ex): May spontaneously convert spells to summon monster spells of lower level.
- Diviner: Prescience(Ex): AT=f, add Int ins on attack roll, AC, saving throw, skill check or level check. 1+(Wiz-1)/2 day.
- Enchanter: Extended Enchantment(Ex): AT=f, Enchantment spell is extended for free, 1/day +1 for each 2 lvls after 1st.
- Evoker: Overcome Resistance(Ex): AT=f, your spell treats opponents energy resistances as if they were 10 lower against your spell. 1/day +1 for each 2 lvls after 1st.
- Illusionist: Illusion Mastery(Ex): Add extra illusion spell to spellbook per Wiz lvl. All illusions with level equal or lower than (Wiz+1)/2 are Spell Mastered.
- Transmuter: Transmutable Memory(Ex): May re-memorize up to Wiz spell levels, AT=Wiz m, 1/day +1 for each 2 levels after first.
Unique Feats
Ability Enhancer: P: Transmuter, Spell Focus:Transmutation. B: Stat bonuses from spells transmutation spells are increased by 2. Size bonuses and racial bonuses from spells are not affected.
Abjurative Potency: P: Abjurer, Spell Focus:Abjuration. B: Abjuration bonuses to AC you cast are 1 more.
Charmer: P: Enchanter, Spell Focus:Enchantment. B: +1 DC on charm spells.
Cloudy Conjuration: P: Conjurer. B: When you cast a conjuration you may choose to make a D=1r 1sq-radius cloud to appear on you or on your target. You, creature you summoned and creature immune to poison suffer no ill effect, other creatures are nauseated until they leave cloud.
Dazzling Illusion: P: Illusionist. B: When you cast an illusion spell you may force all non-blind enemies within 6 to b e dazzled for 1r.
Energy Abjuration: P: Abjurer: B: When you cast abjuration spell you gain (SL+1)x5 energy resistance to all energies that lasts as long this spell lasts and protects only from one attack.
Evocation Resistance: P: Evoker, Spell Focus:Evocation. B: Energy based effects make -1 per die damage against you.
Heavy Teleport: P: Conjurer, Spell Focus:Conjuration. B: You may teleport twice more targets with your teleport and greater teleport spells.
Hidden Thoughts: P: Diviner, Spell Focus:Divination. B: +4 on saves aganst divination, +4 on Int check to detect scrying sensor.
Insightful Divination: P: Diviner. B: After you cast divination spell you gain SL+1 on init and same i bonus on first save you make within 24h. After you make your save init bonus also disappears.
Metamagic School Focus: P: Specialist Wizard. B: You may reduce metacost of one meta applied to specialisation school by 1 (to a minimum of 1) 3/day.
Piercing Evocation: P: Evoker. B: Your energy evocation spells deal at least 10 damage even to targets with immunity, successful save and evasion/mettle.
Potent Illusion: P:Illusionist, Spell Focus:Illusion. B: Creatures are treated as 3 HD less for purpose of your illusion effects.
Toughening Transmutation: P: Transmuter. B: Any time you cast a transmutation, you may grant target or yourself +5 to any of it's DR or to gain DR 5/+1/4 Wiz.
Unsettling Enchantment: P: Enchanter. B: Any target required to save against your enchantments receive -2 on attacks and AC for 1 r.